Monday, March 31, 2014

weekend wrapup

No transport.....

Caturday morning, mom locked us in the bathroom (except Junior who refused to cooperate) and then moved around the furniture..... and then two guys showed up and cleaned the carpet.

They did a great job, were very nice (they were from Stanley Steemer if you were curious) and the stairs look awesome!! Mom told the one guy she wasn't sure if she should be amazed or appalled.

And then it happened:

Mom was over at the adoption center for the rescue talking to the head rescue lady (Miss Mona). She mentioned that a woman had been trying to catch a cat and managed on Friday night to get her in a carrier on Friday and close the door. Of course, rather than call then, the lady waited and called Saturday morning - with the added bonus of "and I think she may have kittens".

By the time mom got over there, the momma cat had three kittens - two torties and one orange tabby that looks like mom. The concern was momma cat....and it turns out she isn't so friendly. For now she is in the bathroom and is caring for the kitts but is very unhappy. Mom is in contact with the rescue and we will see how things move forward.

But for now.....awwww:


  1. Usually my human would be squeeing over the kittens, but instead she is looking at your nice, clean rug and I can almost see the wheels turning in her head.

  2. Awesome clean rugs. And of course, KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are very cute. Hope mama settles in. It's tricky to navigate the actual personality vs when she is in mama mode. They are all SO cute (-:

    1. yep - we are hoping mom is just being protective....

  3. What cute little ones and Mum is just loving the tiny paws and weeny toesies. We hope the Mother Cat is taking care of them and feeding them well.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. momma cat is doing great with the kittens - and the kittens are doing very well. it is just our mom that the momma cat isn't so sure about (so far)

  4. I hope the mum proves friendly at some point so everyone can be examined and helped. But so far, so good.

    1. fortunately, the momma cat will let our mom check over the kittens so that is good.

  5. How nice to have such clean rugs. And now you have mom and kittens in the bathroom. Hope all goes well with them. You are so kind to take them in.

  6. Snuggle with extreme prejudice! Can you say that in regards to kittens? I don't know. Just start snuggling! When Mom's ready to let you snuggle them, of course. - Crepes.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oops....Mom posted the wrong signature to our comment.

    We said we're SQUEEEING over those kittens.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Awww, they are very cute. I am glad that Pumplkin does not have his pompoms or I fear he could be blamed for this.

  10. Oh, look at those precious little ones! We sure hope the momma cat decides your human is okay.

    Hurrah for clean carpets! Our human doesn't want to know what's in the carpeting we still have upstairs....

  11. Kittens! I’m glad the woman was able to trap her so at least the kitties can be socialized. Great (temporary) job on the carpet. Remember, you can’t have carpet without PET!

  12. we iz glad mom N wee ones bee safe, tho her iz prob ablee scared ....heerz ta happee nezz & health o plentee ta everee one ♥

  13. So cute little ones ! I hope that Momma Cat will decide to trust your human very soon ! Purrs. Zorro

  14. Cute kittens. Hope the Mom gets more friendly. Maybe she will, when she learns to trust you and see that you aren't going to hurt the kittens. But of course, you know all that. Have a good evening.

  15. So sweet! We hope the Mama starts feeling less nervous soon.The carpet looks pawsome!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. Oh the kittens are adorable we hope the Mommy Cat will realize that she and her kittens are safe and will be cared for.

  17. Cutest little kits! And the sofa.... ohhh. The head peep is threatening to get the steamer people in to do that to our sofa. After seeing that, she might actually schedule it.

  18. Maybe momma cat is still upset at getting caught and not really trusting of humans. Did she have the kittens after she was caught or before?

    They sure are sweet little things!

  19. Mommy cat might still be traumatized over being trapped and kept in a carrier. Did she give birth in there? The kitties are adorable, just be patient with mom...but you already know that. LOL!

    1. she did give birth in the carrier (no one at the rescue is really happy about that)

  20. OMC!!!! They are sooooo cute! I hope that everyone is healthy :)

  21. Awwwwwww!!!! Sweet, tiny kit-cats!!!!
    Play bows,

  22. oooh.. clean carpets.. wonder who is going to hork on them first..

    and don't get me started on kittens...


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