Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thankful Thursday....

Mom got to watch the Cat Video Festival from the Minnesota State Fair online thanks to Animal Planet Live. She enjoyed it, but her lap was taken up with the laptop. MOL

We are thankful for nice local vets. The woman who found Mitts had taken her in to a local vet and gotten her tested and everything else.
Mom got a copy of her medical records but didn't look really close. Today she noticed charges for sedation and surgery. Huh....  so she called the vet. They said that Mitts had a laceration on her paw when she came in so they knocked her out to clean it and put in a couple of sutures. Excuse us??  Sutures???  Ummmmm......that could be a problem. Mom spoke to the tech and they agreed mom would check when she got home and call them back if she needed to. So mom got home but didn't see anything. Since she wasn't sure which paw it even was, she called and the vet agreed to see Mitts. A few minutes with a tech and mom was assured that there was no sutures still in (mom hadn't seen anything either) and the nice tech even trimmed Mitts nails. charge. :)

Mitts is now at Petco. Stella wasn't really happy about getting a new roommate. There was some name calling and Stella tried to smack Mitts - until mom told Stella NO and got the stink eye. MOL

Now we gotta work on Licorice. Mom was hoping things would clear up. She started giving Licorice coconut oil this past weekend. But the last shot from the vet isn't working - Licorice has a big spot on her neck that she has scratched raw. We have a feeling she is gonna end up with another v-e-t visit and may end up having to wear the cone of shame. ugh.....


  1. We're purring Stella and Mitts get adopted soon!
    Hopefully the coconut oil will help Licorice and her itchies.

  2. Oh no Licorice, we hope you don't have to wear that cone. We hope you can figure out something else. And sure hope those to Stella and Mitts get adopted. Have a great day.

  3. No charge is good. :-)

    Purrs for Licorice, we hope this will be sorted out and resolved.

  4. It's always something, isn't it. Glad Mitts is actually okay. Hope Stella behaves and both are adopted soon. Purrayers for Licorice that the coconut oil works. Purrs and hugs, Kitties Blue

  5. We have our Paws Crossed that everybuddy finds FURever HOMES.

  6. Is the coconut oil still being put on the spot? I am interested to learn how well that stuff works. Some times it seems to work very well, others it has little effect . Maybe it depends upon the length of time used.

  7. So was the vet trying to rip you off or just putting the charge on the wrong bill? I is confused.

    Poor Licorice

  8. Oh my, I sure hope that evil cone doesn't put in an appearance!

  9. Poor Licorice! I hope SOMETHING works for her before she is forced to wear The Cone!

  10. licorice....tell yur mom if ewe like de taste oh de coconut oil...lotz oh kittehs due...N ewe can groom ore get two de spot itz on...her will still knead a cone oh shame ore sum like it....sorreee....if ewe due like de taste, sum frum de spoon mite be just az effective ( werd for uz ) coz it will bee werkin frum like de inn side out...~~~~~~

  11. Oh poor Licorice...Cody from Cat Chat has been taking coconut oil recently too. I think it's helping. We hope you don't have to go back and wear one of those nasty lampshades around your neck.

  12. Aw, poor Licorice. We hope she doesn't hafta wear that cone of shame.

  13. Good heavens, you'd think someone would have told you about the sutures on Mitts when you got her! Sheesh!
    Licorice, you gotta get better soon sweetie! Or are you deliberately making that spot bad so you can stay where you are? hmmmmm

  14. Here's hoping Mitts and Stella get along or better yet get adopted this weekend!

    Poor Licorice, the cone of shame....I bet that would go over real well, not.

    Good luck!

  15. Poor Mitts! Glad she appears to be OK! We hope everything works out for her -- and Stella!
    And poor Licorice!!! Maybe she could wear a soft cone or one of those blow up things that look like inner tubes instead of the lamp shade?!
    Play bows,

  16. We've heard GOOD things about that coconut oil stuff. Poor Licorice! So mom got the ol' stink eye did she? MOL!


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