Friday, August 30, 2013

Random Fridays

Another weekend.....and this one includes 3 days!!  We hope you get to enjoy it. Mom said something about it being hot and humid here - so no open windows.

Also, she has been muttering something about Big Ten football starting this weekend...yep, she has broken out the green t-shirts and is saying "GO GREEN!!" (she is a Michigan State fan)

Mom got to spend time with Nasa (Hubble) and Orbit last night....they are getting big and crack mom up.
         we are having technical difficulties (have we mentioned mom is a techno-dork recently?) anyhow - if you check our facebook page later, there should be video was on mom's phone and she can't get it to load to you tube or to facebook.....sigh
Licorice is still pretty itchy and mom has a call into the says she just wishes she knew how to make Licorice more comfortable. The tech (Rob) answered the phone this am and said he gets it and will see what they can do.

Otherwise, we hope you have a safe and relaxing weekend!!!


  1. Sure hope you can figure out how to help Licorice. Those two kittens are too cute. Have a great week end.

  2. Hope licorice feels better soon.

  3. It must be so uncomfortable for Licorice to be so itchy and for you to watch her being so itchy. Purrs the vet figures something out quickly.

    How are you giving her the coconut oil? Orally? Or are you rubbing it on her itchy skin?

    1. She is getting some with her dinner every night for 5 days now.

  4. best fishes two ewe licorice......N we hope everee one haza grate 3 day week oh plentee oh perch !!!!!

    ta Michigan state

    notre dame roolz :) ~~~~~~~~~~ go Irish

  5. Happy three-day weekend!!!

    Could Licorice have a food allergy?

    1. That is what we fear....may get some canned limited ingredient food over the weekend too.

  6. Poor Licorice. It is no fun feeling itchy. :-(

  7. Nasa and Orbit are so cute. We sure hope you all can figure out what's making Licorice so itchy.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Everything (and everyone) is purple around here. Even Cammie is learning to say "Go Cats"!!!
    Play bows,

  9. Sorry. Those last two comments were us, not our mom. SOMEONE forgot to sign out of her account!
    Play bows,

  10. Aw. poor Licorice. We hope she can find some relief.

    And the mom says...GO GREEN!!

  11. I sure hope sweet Licorice gets some relief soon.Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!

  12. We are so sorry for Licorice - we wish those itches would go away.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. We are so sorry for Licorice - we wish those itches would go away.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  14. Have you tried the coconut oil with Licorice? We've never needed it, but we see lots of other kitties using it. Have a great three-day weekend. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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