Monday, July 29, 2013

weekend wrap up....

The cool weather stuck around!!! The windows have been open for several days and we have been enjoying it. And it is supposed to be nice this week too.....  Hope we don't pay for it.  :)

Sebastian and Sierra are having a good time. They now weigh about 2.1# (Sebastian) and 1.6# (Sierra) (mom takes them to Petco and puts them on the scale their - MOL).

And.....Sierra has a new mom. Now if we can only get her to weight. She is thinking about maybe taking both kittens, so we will see how that goes. Mom spent an hour with them at Petco on Sunday morning with both kittens. Then she brought them home, fed them a snack, and they PASSED OUT!!

For those of you who missed our commentathon, don't feel bad - we made mom round up a few bucks.

Licorice got a bath on Saturday with the special soap. The vet wanted it to sit on her for 10 minutes, but mom just couldn't make Licorice sit still that long. So she scrubbed it in good, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then rinsed. Mom also tried this weekend to get Licorice out of the bathroom. Mom sat there with the door open. Mo and Sierra and Tim came in. Licorice freaked out a little, walked a little way into the hallway and growled at Tommy when he growled at her. She came back into the bathroom and went into the corner, so mom left it at that for the day. But it could have gone MUCH worse..... She tried again on Sunday. Licorice came out to find 4 other adults in her safe place and after sniffing the tip of Tim's tail, backed up again. But still, progress....


  1. Awwww we have paws crossed for Sierra and hopefully her new mum will get Sebastian too!

    Hugs to Licorice! We know she'll come out of her shell soon - she's in the bestest place to thrive! Take care

  2. Glad the two kittens hopefully have found homes. They sure are cute. We hope Licorice will soon get used to things. We know all about how that is. Sounds like you are making some progress. Have a great day.

  3. The little ones are soooo cute!

    Don't despair about Licorice - introductions and integration varies from kitty to kitty; you just have to let nature takes it course and it may be that her feeling comfortable will take longer.

  4. That would be great if these two babies can stay together in their forever home...


  5. Yes, paws crossed that this person adopts them both together, that would be fantastic.

    Baby steps for Licorice! :-)

  6. I know that sort of progress. My foster-cat Cammie is making it, too.

  7. it has been gloriously cool here in Michigan too and we are LOVING IT!

  8. Poor Licorice. She will adjust...I'm sure of it!

  9. will take a wee while sew knot ta feel bad... we all gets scared in new places........N dont be fraid or stressed...tim noez wear sum flounder, trout N mackerull iz hidin !!!

  10. Fingers crossed for a double adoption!
    Silly Licorice, gotta get over the growling stuff so you get the run of the house! And access to more toys! MOL

  11. Wow! We hope both kitties get to go to the same home!
    Sounds like Licorice is making progress. Slowly but surely. :)

  12. Oh, TWO are so much better than one...spoken as a CCL who has 13!

  13. Paws crossed that Sierra's new human takes Sebastian too! It sounds like things are going okay with Licorice... like you said, it could be worse!

  14. We hopes the babies get adopted together, that would be pawsome!

    Poor Licorice, it mustn't be any fun getting a bath. Purring she isn't itchy anymore!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. We're purring that Licorice and the others all get along soon so Licorice can come out of the bathroom.

  16. Together adoptions are always awesome. We sure hope those little ones can go as a pair!

    Paws crossed for Licorice!

  17. Licorice is crazy cute! We got to have windows open here, too! I love being able to smell everything!
    Play bows,


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