Tuesday, June 4, 2013

a four pack of trouble....

Mom plans to hug us.....so we plan to make every out there squee over kittens.  :)

Well, baby jail was disassembled in the living room. Mom needed it to make into a gate for the space kittens (as seen yesterday). So the beer kittens are on the loose. Mom waited until Friday to do it as she was afraid the kittens would be ALL over during the night. We lucked out....the kittens sleep in the living room on the ess or the tree.
Killian on the loose

serious crash out session

The babies are gaining weight and running around like nuts. Mom has to weigh them but we hope they are big enough for surgery this week so can be available to go home next weekend for the adoption event.

Miller and Killian are the most outgoing. Busch is coming around. And Stella growls at mom. But they love playing and being out with everyone here. They are a nice bunch of kittens.


  1. While reading your tale of the beer kittens being on the loose, I keep hearing the theme to Benny Hill in my head. Sounds like a crazy good time.

    Your package arrived yesterday. Many thanks to you and the gang. The Roo is sitting in the box at this very moment.

  2. Those kittens are so cute - we have our paws in our ears as Mum is squeeing.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. There is nothing much cuter than a bunch o'kittens

  4. Sending LOTs and LOTs of kitty hugs your way today!

  5. The reward for patience with kittens on the run is when they need to re-charge themselves. It's not only peaceful but the cutest sight imaginable. I like the last picture especially.

  6. Well you are so right, a big squeeee for those kittens. They are so good to crash in the living room. Bet the Mom gave you one huge hug for that. Hope all of you have a super day.

  7. Love that picture of the kitties sleeping on the ESS. Sooooo cute!

  8. They are too adorable. I'm sure they'll find homes quickly once they go up for adoption.

  9. ewe wee kittehz iz total lee rockin....total lee !!! hugs two each N everee one...big guys two !

  10. Too cute, mom is squeeing like a looney! We is going to have to sit on her or something to gets her to stop, MOL.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. Kittens - they're all trouble. But bundles of cuteness and love kind of trouble.

    Love the names. It's a good thing we're not in the same area or I wouldn't be able to steal (um, leverage?) your naming themes!

  12. OMC, they are just too adorable! Jeanne, how can you stand it??? :)

  13. Hope y'all got some good huggies. We don't all like them, but since it's a once a year thing, we let the humans have their way with us. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette


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