Tuesday, May 28, 2013


we learned tonight that Skeezix has the cancer. His family doesn't know how much time they have with him. As a community we share the joys and the tears. We know his family can use all the purrs and prayers and support we have. Skeezixthecat.com


  1. We are purring for Skeezix and his family. :(

  2. Aw, Jeez. We were hoping it wasn't cancer. We're purring and praying for Skeezix and his family.

  3. We hate this evil monster and will fight for a cure until it is no more. Please tell your friend that he is a tremendous Warrior who does not walk alone but who fights surrounded by so many who care. the White Dog Army sends its most powerful healing energies and strength to Skeezix and his family.

  4. I heard earlier. Such sad news. I am purring lots for my pal Skeezix and his family.

  5. I am so so so sorry. We all know the pain and grief with such a diagnosis and the possibilities. I am sorry. Bless their hearts and love to Skeezix.


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