Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday....

We gotted an award from The Musings of a Crazy Cat Lady

There were lots of rules....we are cats....we are bad about following rules.....however, there were 11 questions she posted that we are going to try to answer. It is awarded to blogs with less than 200 followers....if you qualify, feel free to take this and let us and everyone else know about you. :)

1. What/who inspired you to become a blogger?  Mom: I had seen a few and decided I wanted a way to record the life and time of the cats. Turns out this is now more about the fosters, but the crew gets in from time to time as well.

2. What/who was the inspiration for your blog? Mom: at first the cats that live here and then the fosters which expanded into education and fun foster stories

3. What are your favorite hobbies?  Mo: if spring would only get here and it would get a little warmer with some more sunpuddles

4. Have you been changed by a place you visited?  Mom: Best Friends in Utah. It is an amazing sanctuary - not just for saving the animals, but the setting out in a canyon in southern Utah.  Cats: we don't travel - no way, no how.

5. Did you ever have a special connection with an animal that you had with no other being? Mom: I try not to have favorites here.....not that it doesn't happen. I will admit, there was a definite connection with our foster kitten Bourbon - not only special needs but super sweet and just a special kitten.

6. What is your favorite animal? Why? Tommy: doesn't she have to say the domestic cat??

7. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?  Cats: none thanks....  Mom: milk :)

8. What is the farthest place from home you've visited?  Maestro: I used to live in Texas with mom (we now live in Ohio). Other cats: we have always lived here  Mom: Utah

9.  How did you get your first pet?  Mom: when I was a kid, we got a white german shepard. most of our family on my mom's side had had these dogs and we found a good breeder. Hazzard (guess when we got him) came to us as a puppy and we had him through my sophomore year in college.I didn't have cats until I was out on my own.

10. What/who is/are your inspirations for choosing names for your pets?  Mom: I am all about a good theme. I do try to avoid people names....I want something that is going to catch people's attention.  Tommy: what about Tim and me then?  Mom: you guys had your names when I adopted you and I didn't want to change them.

11. Do you have a favorite animal related book?  Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper or Cat Daddy by Jackson Galaxy


  1. Your answers to the questions are adorable..of course your mom's favorite animal is the domestic cat.


  2. Congrats on the very nice award and I sure did enjoy your answers!

  3. Just when you think you know a family a great award like this comes along and you find out so many new things!


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