Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Never a dull moment.....

Mom is SO fired.....

She missed Mo's Gotcha Day yesterday. Sheesh.....she would leave her head some place if it weren't screwed on. Mozart has been a part of the family for 6 years - he started as a foster and mom went to the shelter and adopted him after he had been back for a week. He is the official greeter and snuggler of the family.
We all know this guy......
mr "please don't even think about touching me"

Well, we all know he gives mom the wide walk around. Don't get too close - don't make eye contact. Mom has hope that SOME day she is gonna get Junior to warm up to her. We aren't gonna hold our breaths.

Anyhow, over the weekend, he started running around and shaking his head like something was bothering him. The more we watch him, the more mom got a little concerned.

Mom finally got everyone in the back room under the pretense of serving dinner. She had a towel and chased Junior around the room to catch him. We don't suggest you try this at home - in this case, the audience participation was unappreciated (mom: Junior was running around and howling, Ivy was lit up and running around and Tim was howling.....sigh).

Anyhow, mom finally caught him and wrapped him in a towel. Now, the light isn't great in that room, but his ear looked kind of nasty. She tried to clean it a little and Junior managed to escape. More chasing and she got him again. She cleaned a little bit with the edge of the towel. Not sure what was up, but there was a little blood on the towel. He isn't running around and shaking his head any more so mom isn't worried enough to call Dr. T and get her over here now. However, the first shift of the year is up in March, so Junior will get his ears cleaned. He is on the only-freak-out-the-feral-cat-every-other-year vet plan anyhow, so he would have been up for an exam. We will just add the ears to the list.

But would it be too much to ask to have things be calm for a while??? Oh well....


  1. Oh that sounds just like our house. Everyone has to take part in any goings on. Poor Junior, but at least you can eventually catch him.Hope his ear gets better. Take care.

  2. We're sending purrs for calm...and for Junior's ear. Our human is sending universal Light to all, especially your mom, who is pretty amazing to be able to deal with the seemingly-constant chaos!


  3. Mo, we are sorry your mom missed your special day, but it sounds like you had some commotion at your house. We know she'll make up for it in a big way. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at www.thecatonmyhead.com, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  4. We think you are in order to give your Mom the back of disrespect - forgetting your Gotcha Day is a crime.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. We hope Junior starts to get some snuggles and hugs - he doesn't know what he's missing.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Don't ask - the first comment disappeared into thin air - so Mum did another and of course had no idea what she'd said in the first one (she a bit of an air head!!). So that's why you have two different comments from us!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Your Junior is just like my Rose - keep away! It's always a challenge to wrangle up Rose for a vet visit or clippy claw. Very slowly over time she is warming to the humans, maybe in another 5 years she will let us touch her freely! Oliver's feral family is warming up nicely, they have gone from feral to semi-feral. MK came right up to me this morning! I didn't try to touch him, am just letting them get comfortable being around me! Progress!! I hope all is well with Mr. Junior's ears.

  8. a happee gotcha day two ewe mozart N heerz ta a bazillion mor; hope sinz yur mom now remeburrs it, ewe get sum treetz, toyz, cash, a 2013 CATillac, trout, cake, flounder, herring, sea bass, pizza pies, donuts, a mew cat tree and sum mackeral.. junior...we hope what ever bee wrong iz now rite N ya dont hafta go ta de V place...sendin de blessings oh st francis two ewe...

  9. Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Mo! :)
    We hope Junior's ears check out okay at the vets.

  10. Happy Belated Gotcha Day Mo! you have to for give the mom, she is only human!

    "He is on the only-freak-out-the-feral-cat-every-other-year vet plan anyhow" I LOVE this line/plan.. many purrs to him that it is nothing or something that doesn't need twice daily treatment for two weeks.. As for winning him over, Eli climbed up into my lap the other night.. 11 years.. I do love that boy

  11. @Patty - what would mom do with calm? probably take a nap :)

    @Connie - DON'T EVEN THINK THAT!! The very idea of having to treat Junior every day (cod forbid twice per day) gives mom the shakes....

    Mo got extra treats and love!!

  12. Happy Gotcha day Mo!!! So glad you got gotted!

    Poor Junior! I hope it's all cleared up before his vet appointment!

  13. Mozart, that is terrible that your human forgot your gotcha day! I supposed her having to chase Junior around so much is just a little bit of Karmic payback.

  14. Happy Gotcha Day Mozart! At least your mom knows the date, our mom can tell you the month and year but day...that is not happening, MOL

    Purrs for Junior!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. Poor Junior. We sure hope his ear is okay. And Happy Gotcha Day to Mozart!!

  16. Happy belated Gotcha Day, Mozart! We hope there will be a huge celebration with yummies and a tasty apology. Tomorrow is our Quinn's Gotcha Day comment-a-thon, so please spread the word.

  17. How oculd you forget the black kitty?! But we hope with Junior that it was just a little snick on his ear--they can bleed like you-know-what and be very irritating. But we think freak-out-the-vet-feral is pretty funny!

  18. Mozart happy belated gotcha day. Purrs that Junior is OK.

  19. That picture is hilarous... th elife of a foster mom.... a table with a case of cat food on it, a cat in a cat bed under it - lol.


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