Monday, June 4, 2012

Hug Your Cat Day!!


Well, Annie is deserving of some serious hugs today. She had quite the adventure over the weekend.

By Friday morning, still no poop. And that was just bad. So mom dropped Silver off for her lady-gardenectomy and called the v-e-t when she got to work. Another appointment was made for Annie for that evening. Silver is doing very well - she was crated Friday night but has been out since and her belleh looks good.

Friday night mom ran home, grabbed Annie, picked up Silver and headed over to Noah's Ark to get Annie checked over again. On Tuesday we got to meet Dr. Mr. Myers. Friday night we met Dr. Mrs. Myers. They checked her over, took and x-ray and tried an enema (yeesh). And.....nothing.

They talked it over and mom decided to leave Annie over night to get some care and some fluids. Dr. Mrs. Myers said on Saturday that they would watch the iv cause it was the slowest drip any of them had ever seen. MOL  Well, Annie pooped twice, yowled for attention, ate like a champ, slept with a stuffed dog for company and was allowed to come home Saturday night.

 Her yellow band-aid come off when they got home, but she walked around like her leg was broken. :)  She was in her crate last night but mom put her back in baby jail on Sunday and spent the day snoozing with her siblings (Wild Bill hasn't been trying to nurse on her, so they should all be able to stay together).  We appreciate your purrs and would appreciate keeping her in your thoughts. The vets weren't sure exactly what the problem was - we suspect part of it was a change in diet and maybe a parasite issue. As the vet said, Annie isn't acting like there is anything wrong, so it is more about support right now. Just have to be careful cause she is so tiny.


  1. Oh Annie!! Annie and her little yellow bandage! How adorable!! Yay for pooping!! Awww! Glad she's ok - hopefully she'll go one being ok! Yay!

    Happy Hug Your Cat Day!! What a great day to celebrate! Take care

  2. Awww, sweet little Annie...Purrs from us that her system moves along just fine, normally!

  3. Poor little thing...I hope everything comes out all right now. ah-hem

  4. Love your hug your cat gif.. very cool.

    Poor Annie.. I had a kitten I had to give an enema to once.. Not fun in the least. I so love her little bandaid, and can't help but giggle over her day (well it isn't really giggle worthy, but since it all came out OK I can smile at her snuggling with her stuffed dog)

  5. Here is a {{{HUG}}} from Ernie and Me.

    Hope the lady gardenectomy went well and I say.... Let there be POOP. Paws crossed fur THAT.

  6. sheesh. usually it's the trots, now a kitten is CORKED! What's up with that?

    Purrs for poop...

  7. YEAY Annie! We love that you are a tiny little drama queen. But even drama queens need to POOP, Annie, POOP!
    We're happy Silver's gardenectomy went well. :)

  8. We hope Annie has no further poop trouble - she looks so cute with her yellow bandaid!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Yeah for Annie! So glad she pooping up a storm and feeling way better. Give her an extra hug from me, will you? purrs

  10. OMG! Sweet little babies... lovely lovely!

  11. Wow, what a cute little bunch of kitties!
    I've been catching up on your posts and I hope grandma is doing well from her surgery!

  12. Yay for poop, Annie! We hope you continue to do well. We're purring for you, cutie!

  13. Hurray Annie, way to poop, you go girl!

    Happy to hear Silver's belleh is feeling good too.

    Bye for now....gotta go get hugs from Mom.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  14. Glad Annie got "moving!" Give all the cats and kitties hugs from the White Dog Army...especially our special White Kitty Brigade!

    Thanks for all of you positive thoughts and support for Puff. We truly believe all the good vibes are helping our little girl get healthy!

  15. Way to go, Annie. Milk that attenntion for all you can get.

    Purrrrrrring that all the little kitteh are feeling better by now.


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