Friday, April 27, 2012


the comments from yesterday were wonderful.... And mom got an email this morning from the shelter - all three moms took the babies on as their own, so these kitts have a good chance. Not out of the woods yet, but it is a step in the right direction.....

Marg said to look at Marble and Silver and smile. Mom told her that Silver is getting extra kisses - and doesn't appreciate it very much.

But, while mom said she wasn't going to act as our secretary today, we wanted to let you know how much we appreciate the support - and let you end your week on a smile (sorry for the poor video quality - mom didn't turn on the overhead light).


  1. Awwww Marble and Silver are adorable!

    We have everything crossed Louisa's babies will get through this time ok! Take care

  2. Thanks for the Silver and Marble update and the cute video. Looks like Mom Cat is schooling kitty!

  3. A little silver lining...

    {{hugs}} and purrs from all of us.

  4. What a cute kitten - Marble and Silver are lovely.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. For every bad there is at least one good so hold onto that.

    And Karma bites

  6. So so glad to hear that the surrogate mums accepted Louisa babies... I still can't believe it she is gone..

    And the video... yes, one of the good moments.

  7. Gadzooks Silver is adorable...that tail!!!!

  8. We LOVED the video!!! Marble and Silver are great together!
    That's very encouraging news about the mamas accepting the babies! Continued prayers for them!
    Play bows,

  9. Purrs and paws crossed that the kittens do well with their new moms!

  10. Oh I loved the video...seeing Marble lay down like that to encourage Silver...knowing the babies are being fed by those mommies..makes my whole weekend!


  11. We just read about Louisa an we are so sorry. But we are glad to read that other moms are accepting the kittens as their own...

  12. So glad the kittens all took to the other mommies!
    That video is just too adorable!

  13. Too cute those two! Thanks for the update, we'll keeping purring for the babies!

    Sasha, Sami, Saku and Mom Eileen

  14. Darling video. Sending big purrs for the babies. So sorry to hear about Louisa. Our gentle purrs to you.

    Be Well Sweet Louisa


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