Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday....

Mom says she is just thankful that it IS Thursday....  MOL

Oh hey - our friend Miss DeLynn went with her family to Utah and they all spent a day at Best Friends. When mom was there last year, they overnighted a dog named Mercy. Well, Miss DeLynn learned that Mercy has been adopted and is going home next week. YEAH!!! Concats on your new home sweet girl!!

Let's see - really nothing new here. Mom says she is slowly catching up at work from being gone.

The kittens are still pretty snorky. And mom says that Caramel may have given it back to Mocha. sigh...  So, they go back to the v-e-t tomorrow. Mom wants to get the noise on her camera since Caramel doesn't make it all the time. Hopefully Dr. Jensen will have some new ideas.

on your floor vent, stealing your warms


  1. Oh Mocha...Caramel...please get betters! No more snorkies and give mom a break. xoxoxo

  2. You know what helps kittens feel better pretty quick? stop spelling out V-E-T.. when they hear they are going to the vet if they don't get better, some how most of the time (at least around here anyway) they get better..

    And I seriously just fell in love that last photo.. plop down next to, wanting to snorrgle that belly... love..

  3. Lots of good stuff! i had to look at that last pic twice, I thought the little one was floating!

  4. Yay for Mercy!! Great news!

    Awww Caramel and Mocha!! We hope their snorty stuff goes away asap!! Take care

  5. WEll we sure hope you to Caramel and Mocha get better really soon. We are sending tons of purrs to those two. We will cross our paws too. Thanks for the good wishes for our Mom. She is OK for now. Take care.

  6. I hope the kitties are warm soon. I hope these posts help to answer your questions:

    Around here we have mountain lions and wolves that might eat us so we go up into our barn at night to be safe.

  7. ooops, forgot one:

  8. I love the floor vent idea. You're one smart kitty! Cute, too.

  9. FaRADaY: SNORKY...OH! That's the sound Max makes when he's all stuffy and tried to purr....?


    Maxwell: Hey! That's an OCCUPY VENT event!

  10. Purrs to Caramel and Mocha that they get better soon! Even though we live in Utah, my mommy's never been to Best Friends. She really wants to visit it someday though.

  11. "Stealing your warms.." HAHA! We LOVE that!
    Still giggling,
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  12. What a sweetie! Nice way to keep cozy.

  13. oh little floofy kitty, you can steal all my warms because you've already stolen my heart! Far far far too cute!

  14. Woohoo for Mercy! May she have a long life filled with safety, care, and love.

    The kittens sound like they have what is going around. Everybody here at WDA is a little snuffly, nose congested, too.Hope the vet can make them all better.

    Sounds like a nice normal week...those are good.

  15. Oh, Caramel! Could you look ANY cuter?!?! "Stealing your warms". Ha roo roo roo!
    Good luck at the vets! And congrats to Mercy!!!
    Play bows,


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