Friday, October 22, 2010

good news bad news

Well, Ivy didn't eat the vet. I had to herd her back to the bathroom and she was NONE too happy about it. And she spent the time before the vet came swearing at me. However, they got in there with minimal problems and got her checked out, weighed, vaccinated and nail trimmed. No human screaming and Ivy only howled a couple of times.
Tim & Tom were fine as well. All vaccinated and checked out. Tim needs his teeth cleaned, but after this bill, it is going to have to wait.

Ivy gained weight and everyone else lost a little. sigh.....

And the bad news - I had her weigh Maestro again and he had lost more weight. 2 pounds from March which is 4 pounds in a year. Not good. She drew more blood and took another urine sample so we shall see. And of course while she was there he threw up twice. Not sure what is up with that. He is still eating and getting around, though I do sometimes think he is getting senile. Dr Taylor is going to call Saturday or Monday with the results. But, like I told her....he is 16. I am not doing anything drastic. She did recommend a 1/4 pepcid once per day that might help with the throwing up. Keep your fingers crossed and I will keep you updated.

I did get a good pic of Maestro while he was sitting on the chair the other day with me:


  1. Glad Ivy, Tim and Tom's visit to the v-e-t went well. And that the v-e-t survived! MOL

    Poor Maestro. We have our paws crossed that you can figure out what is going on, and that it can be treated. (((Purrs and prayers))) Please do keep us posted.

  2. Aren't you glad all that vetting is over?!?! We're glad it went well.

    We hope nothing serious is wrong with Maestro. We're purring for him.

  3. hello, maestro--we hopes you is wif us fur a long, long time yet with no prollems! old kittehs sometimes just loses weight in their mussels acause they don't use them as much ennymore. we hopes the pepcid helps--our mom sez she couldn't liff wifout 'em!

    we'll purr that y'all gets good (or at least no dire) news frum the vettie!


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