Monday, July 22, 2024

Just for a few days

 We have some older boy kittens in the foster room for a few days getting over colds. They are about 4 months old and wild! All gray too so they are wearing collars to keep them straight.

The shelter names all the kittens so don't blame mom for this: King Arthut, Lancelot and... Little John. (Someone got their English folklore confused)

They got some freedom this weekend but never settled down and were into EVERYTHING so back to the foster room.

Boba was clearly confused by nit only bigger kittens, but also not really sure exactly how many there were on the loose.

Pumpkin is doing very well. She eating great, doing all the normal kitten things. And her lungs work great! (Have we mentioned she's loud?)


  1. GAH! Gray've gotta love 'em!
    Pumpkin is just too too...CUTE!
    Boba looks confused...

  2. Awwwwwww!!! Nice to see the kittens doing so well and having FUN!!!
    Purrs Winnie

  3. Pumpkin is such a cutie! Good luck with the grey boys!

    The Chans

  4. Poor Boba, all those gray kittens at once must have been a bit much.
    Pumpkin is adorable!

  5. Those great boys sound like rascals. Poor Boba!

    So glad to hear (from all the way over here MOL) Pumpkin is doing so well.


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