Monday, February 1, 2021

All the swear words

 Ivy was supposed to be getting ear drops once a day for 2 weeks. Mom was sneaking up on her while canned food snacks were served. Good news - it worked. Bad news - only for a week. That said, her ears do look better. 

In other news, Blueberry discovered on Saturday that she could climb the pen used as baby jail. Dang it. However, mom had ordered the taller Tespo panels. Now they are zip ties to the inside and the kittens are once again trapped.

However.....the swear words really came into play on Friday. Mom was on a call and had Blueberry out on her lap. There was something on a back foot and mom figured it was litter. It was was a scab that came off revealing: a ringworm lesion. ALL the swear words. As we say, it's not fatal unless the animal is in a high kill shelter (most won't treat due to the time it takes), it's just annoying. It can be passed to people so they stay in our intake department or the foster home until it clears up. Stupid fungus

Now, it will clear up but they are here for the duration (probably another 30 days). Not that we don't enjoy having them here, but dang.


  1. Yes, I believe swear words are warranted for ringworm discovery!

  2. Aw, it's a shame that Blueberry has ring worm. But we're kind of happy we'll see their funny faces for awhile yet.

  3. So many swear words! I'm so sympathetic -- we just had a ringworm scare here and it's the condition that I fear the most, I think. I feel so lucky I've had two close calls, no hits.
    A hint (I got from a clinic) for ear drops; use a syringe, if you aren't already. So much easier to get in than using those stupid squeeze bottles. Especially if it's Surolan. (I use the bottle to put the dose in the syringe the first time to see how much it is.)

    1. Ringworm fortunately isn't fatal...just annoying. It isn't fun but there are much worse things

  4. Ugh, what a PITA ringworm is! At least we get to benefit by seeing them here a little longer.

  5. Wow! That would cause the swear words around here too! Hope no one else has those nasties

  6. Ugh. Ringworm is definitely swear word-worthy!

  7. No, not the dreaded SPORES! We have one or two RW breakouts each year in the rescue, and from that experience we set up fosters who have appropriate space and are really skilled with the treatment regime, and shuffle kitties around. Good luck!

    1. Luckily they are in their own easily cleanable space. But still....

  8. gurl wooda been uzin de F werd...flounder ~~~~ a bunch two....

    and blue berry; pleez feel free ta use de F werd az well....♥♥♥


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