Monday, November 23, 2020


 Mom had picked a naming theme and handed them our when she reviewed their original paperwork and realized they came with names from the Texas rescue. Some of them were already in use here, so with respect to the previous rescue, we introduce the Texas Flower kittens.

They are all black and white and tuxedo. 

Lantana, male tuxedo

Phlox, female black and white

Hibiscus, female black and white

Verbena, female tuxedo

They all got a medicated bath on Sunday. Their skin was pretty flaky in places. This gives them a fresh start. They were well dried off and sat in a carrier by a heating vent for a little bit to dry off and stay warm. That said, they've discovered the joy of piling blankets on the vent in the foster room.


  1. Sweet wee things!
    Here's hoping that gaunt look to your faces soon retreats, as your best days are now ahead of you.

  2. Oh, they are so sweet. Now they're with you, I've no doubt they'll thrive.

  3. I'm glad they are with you - they will do well.


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