Monday, December 9, 2019

Weekend report

Selkie went back to the rescue on Saturday. He wasn't happy about his new roommates but seemed to adjust fairly quickly.

Gargoyle will be going today to be spayed.

Mom met with a nice couple on Sunday to introduce them to Gargoyle. They had expressed some interest after seeing a picture from a friend of a friend. They have a very senior girl cat and mom expressed some concerns about sending home a single kitten with an older cat. After talking to them, they had been discussed taking a pair as well. Mom suggested Selkie since he had been with Gargoyle already here with us. Mom kitten-napped Selkie back from the rescue on Sunday to meet his potential new family.

Gargoyle and Chanel had an adventure on Saturday and went to meet Santa and have pictures taken. Since it was easier for mom, they went in the same carrier. They were fine on the way TO Santa but decided to curse each other on the way home. We will share pictures as soon as we have them.

In other news, ROOMBA GOT ADOPTED.

Mom wasn't there for the whole thing, but she got to see Roo on Wednesday and Friday which was great for mom. Despite what seemed like forever in our medical department for URI and ringworm, she came back to the adoption center her friendly and outgoing self.


  1. Congratulations to Roomba on finding her forever home! And we'll keep fingers and paws crossed that it works out well for Gargoyle and Selkie too.

  2. Lots of good news in this post. Purrs to Gargoyle today!

  3. Paws up for Roomba's adoption, and paws crossed for Gargoyle and Selkie!

  4. Yay for Roomba, and paws are crossed for Gargoyle and Selkie!

  5. Purrayers for all the comings and goings of the kittens !

  6. That’s great news about Roomba! We hope the same for Gargoyle and Selkie.

  7. That is all good news. So glad about Roomba.Hope the others find homes to for Christmas. Have a great week.

  8. Gargoyle with a 'very senior' cat? I'm glad Selkie may be going along, too. And Roomba was adopted? Keep the good news rolling...


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