Wednesday, July 17, 2019

we got it

Mom was playing with the kittens over the weekend and found a wand toy. It was very popular with the boys. Lane however was a little afraid of it and took a few minutes to warm up.

Once she did however, she was right in the middle of things with the boys.

No Fate - not the stick. 

It went pretty well and the kittens shared....for the most part. It was hard for mom to wave it around and get good pictures (which is why Miss Robyn cheats and makes Fred wave the wand toy). Plus the kittens need a nail trim and keep getting stuck to the felt parts.


  1. The video was sweet, gave our biped her kitten fix for the day. :-)

  2. That's one way to get them to quit complaining! So cute!!!

  3. What a fun day with you wand toy. That video is just too adorable. The wand toy in our house is a big hit with our little ones. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  4. I've asked The Hubby to wave the wand toy while I shoot photos, but he refuses! So I say, "Well, you take the photos while I play!", and he's a no-go on that too. Brat!

  5. OH when kittens get stuck. It's funny but I know it isn't to the babies. XXX

  6. guyz...we gived yur moovee 984 paws up !!! N be glad yur toyz got felt...knot....burd skin ;) ♥♥☺☺☺

  7. That's so fun! Fate is SMART. There's always one that figures out the stick is what makes it go. :)

  8. That's a great toy and I can empathize with how hard it is to take great pics while waving a toy! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.


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