Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Remember this guy from October 2012?? That is Kyan and he was part of the group known as the gemstone kittens. And older gentleman found his mom and the kittens on his porch and couldn't care for them so mom agreed to take them.

Well, as happens from time to time, sadly, he was returned to the rescue. His family was being transferred to Hawaii. Turns out that state has a miserable quarantine process to bring domestic animals in and he would have had to be kenneled for about 6 months - regardless of paperwork or anything else. His family couldn't do that to him, so he came back.

He is currently in the "zen" room at the rescue which has a door and is a place for cats to come in that is a little quieter and protected from the open space of the general population at the adoption center.

He is a BIG boy but so very sweet and a little shy. He loves gets pets but hasn't been brave enough to venture out of the zen room yet. Hopefully with time - though he can hang out there so long as he is comfortable. Mom has suggested him to a few people that she thinks would make a good home for him, but no takers yet. Oh - and he was renamed Chester.


  1. Much as I hate returns, this seems to be one of those times where the people are actually thinking of the cat. I'm sure he's scared and confused for now but he looks lovely and sweet and I'm sure someone will snap him up!

  2. Poor love. That probably was very difficult for the family to do. We hope he finds another forever home very soon. Purrs to him.

  3. Awww poor guy. I guess I don't blame them for returning him - I'm sure being in quarantine for that long would've been miserable :(

  4. He is a handsome boy and a big one. Too bad the people had to give him up. Hope he finds a home soon. Have a great day.

  5. What a difficult situation for Chester and his humans to be in! He is so handsome, and they must miss him very much, but it's good that they remembered Colony Cats will always provide a place for him. <3

  6. Aww, that totally sucks for Chester's family! I wonder what kind of quarantine Hawai'i would impose; could Chester have stayed at a foster home for those 6 months, and not a cage? Oh well, here's hoping his new furrever family will see his photo and fall in love with him!

  7. Oh, dear handsome Kyan/Chester, we are sorry you are back but happy that you are in wonderful hands with the best shot of finding your forever family!

  8. What a bummer Chester ('cause he really does look like a Chester!) got returned. I understand about Hawaii being islands, and the necessity of being more careful about animals coming in... but still, it's a big bummer he had to be left behind. I hope he gets a new home soon.

  9. dood....we R sorree; thiz just sux big time.. for ewe.... N yur familee...... all de best that ya findz a new foreverz sooooopr quik ♥♥♥

  10. Aw, what a shame. We send our purrs that Chester finds his furever home soon. He is such a handsome big boy!

  11. Purrayers and POTP for Chester - keep your paws up - your home will appear.

  12. Kyan/Chester we are sad you were returned. We know that you will find another home in no time. A great furever home with a new family. Thanks for the sharing the photos. Good luck sweet boy.
    World of Animals

  13. Poor Chester. We're sad for him and his former family. We have our paws crossed that he'll find a real forever family real soon.

  14. Poor little guy! We hope he finds a good home soon. Forever.
    Cam and Mags


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