Friday, June 8, 2018

Random Fridays

Katie Isabella asked if it is unusual for mom cats to get hissy with kittens. It really depends on the mom cat. We have had it happen a couple of times here. For Cardamom, we suspect since she is fairly young, this might be her first litter and she is just done with the antics. We don't think she would have ever hurt them, but better to move her along for her own peace of mind.

For reasons unbeknownst to mom, the web camera for the fosters doesn't seem to be working on the blog or on our facebook page. She can still see it on her phone, so there must be something else going on. Unfortunately, do to changes at the camera company, their support is spotty at best. Not sure if or when we will get it back up and running. Sorry about that....

Mom took one of the playpens/gates and is using it to block the spice kittens. It has been really nice here the last few days and mom has wanted to leave the windows open. She also likes leaving open the sliding door for a breeze, but the kittens like to climb the screen. It finally occurred to her to block their access to it. She pulled out the smaller playpen and is using it to block the door. The nice part is that 3 panels stick out beyond the foster room wall/door so mom has been using that to block kittens from getting out into the house. They are quick little buggers and rush the door whenever mom comes into the room.
Mom was just going to take a picture using her phone and the web camera until she notice two kittens beating the heck out of each other in the corner. If you look at the sliding door however, you can see the bars and that is the playpen acting as a barrier.


  1. Those kittens have a great play room. Looks like they are having a great time wrassling. All of you have a great day and a better week end.

  2. Rowdy little kittens in that wonderful kitty room!

  3. Kittens, as they get bigger, also become hard on the furniture, screens, and everything else! Those sharp claws and baby teeth...which kitten won that boxing round?

  4. I bet it is hard staying one step ahead of those kittens!

  5. Kittens require a whole different set of strategies, don't they?!

    The Chans

  6. Oh they are so cute...and getting soooo big!

  7. I dislike screen climbers! The screen may fail!

  8. It's weird how most of the time kittens will stumble about like Weebles - and then run like the wind when it will get them into trouble.

  9. What a great foster home! So much room to play!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher


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