Tuesday, January 30, 2018

nip nanner

 Chanel's sister Cupcake has apparently learned all about catnip and decided to send her sister Chanel a nip nanner in order to check it out. Considering how Chanel reacts to some other things, mom wasn't really sure how she would react to catnip.

Mom threw out the nanner and Daiquiri was RIGHT there. Chanel walked by and gave it a sniff. Gave it another sniff. Then walked away.

still not sure

Well, that was a bust. Everyone else has been enjoying the nanner...especially Daiquiri. Chanel...not so much. Maybe that will change over time. Maybe....


  1. Some of mine are just the same. Catnip is not a big deal. Glad everyone else is enjoying the nanner. Have a super Tuesday.

  2. If Chanel doesn't have "the" gene, the Nip Nanner won't be interesting.

  3. Oh, Chanel, I’ve got so much to show you! ~ Cupcake

  4. Nip nanas are even more fun if they are in wrapping paper!


  5. chanel; eye am knot a big fan of nip either....never haz been....but grazz....now yur talkin !!! ☺☺♥♥

    tuna of moon

  6. Leia especially is the niphead in this house.

  7. Most kittens don't react to catnip until they are at least six months old (you probably already know that). It took Sparkle longer, like a year! It took me sooner - I already was into it when I was five months old. And of course, some kitties don't develop a taste for nip at all.

  8. Hahahaha. I love that cats are completely unique - we may not understand the whys of their differences - but they have their preferences and idiosyncrasies none-the-less. Both my cats love the YEOWW! banana. But Bear hasn't always reacted to catnip toys.

  9. I wonder if they make nip for pups...
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  10. Chanel!!! You can't reject a nip nanner!!! Are you even a cat?!?! --Mudpie

  11. Chanel! You don’t know what you’re missing. That nip nanner is our favorite toy!

  12. But Chanel, the nip napper is the bestest!

  13. Muffin just sits there and licks it for long periods of time


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