Monday, November 27, 2017

long weekend

We had a 4 day weekend here in the US and mom decided to take it off. Well sort of. She gets off from work for the holiday anyhow, but took a break from some other things.
This was a popular "sport" over the weekend.

Mom was invited to spend Thanksgiving with some friends. She didn't drive to be with family as it is a lot of time on the road. They had a nice dinner and she spent some time over there after dinner just chatting.

That is Ivy's favorite spot right in front of the floor vent.

The rescue had an anonymous donor sponsoring adoptions this weekend, so mom was at the adoption center Friday night helping out. She is also still working on their database, so she spent some time scanning documents and uploading things to that as well.

Of course, napping, tv watching and sports were also on the agenda. Mom spent time playing with the Texas kittens and took Chanel out on Saturday afternoon. She did do a little shopping but waited until Saturday. Otherwise it was a nice quiet few days off. Of course, she says that means this week will seem all that much longer. We have no idea what she is talking about. MOL


  1. Glad you all had a good week end. Looks like everyone had a good easy day. Have a super week.

  2. Sleeping is always a good choice for time off.

  3. It sounds like a much needed break :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  4. Wish I'd had some extra napping time last week too!

  5. Sounds like a nice weekend! My human is shopping today (now that people are going back to work), and it will probably be the last time she enters a store before 8:30 at night until New Year's.

  6. The cats had the right idea for a four-day weekend...


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