Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Happy Birthday Spud

Guess who is turning 9 years old?

hanging with Ivy and her sisters

For those that don't know the story, mom was fostering for a different group back then. She had Ivy and her sisters and mom when she got a call from a neighbor of our grandparents that one of their kids had found a kitten. Mom of course went to pick up the kitten and ran to Petsmart to get the kitten tested before bringing him or her home. They needed a name and the kitten was this little brown ball of fuzz....and was christened Spud - which stuck. The intention was to have him adopted through the humane society, but that didn't pan out so much.


  1. Gracious, look at that magnificently floofy tail! Happy Birthday, Spud! Betcha they call you 'Spudley DoRight' sometimes...lol!

  2. Well, happy birthday, Spud! xo

  3. Happy Purrs Day! I've never noticed Spud!

    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  5. Happy Birthday, Spud ! We wish you a wonderful day ! Do you know that you share your birthday with our mom ? Purrs

  6. Another lucky cat. Happy birthday, Spud. May you have many more of them in the future.

  7. Happy Birthday, Spud! You sure lucked out with that phone call that brought you to the Random Felines house. You couldn't have a better human mom than Mom Jeanne. Many happy returns. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  8. Happy Birthday, handsome Spud! Your tail is something else entirely!

  9. dood !!! we R glad de pan... dinna pan !!!....other wize we could knot send best fishez N happee day wishez fora total lee awesum 9th !!! eat lotz oh donutz two day, N joy, & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N health ~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  10. Happy birthday, Spud! We think it was good luck and good fortune all round that you were a foster fail. :-)

  11. Happy birthday, Spud! We sure hope you had a special day!

  12. Happy Birthday Spud! We hope you had a wonderful day full of extra lubbings and scritches. Wishing many, many more years of happiness with your fursibs and mom bean.


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