Wednesday, August 16, 2017

on the loose

With her siblings all off at the adoption center or a partner store, Miss Bacall would have been in the foster room by herself. Except we needed that space for Panache and the kittens. She could have gone in the crate, but she is big enough to be out and honestly after listening to her brothers howl in the crate, there is no reason for it.

As of Saturday morning, Bacall had free run of the house. She came right out and made herself at home - no hissing, no nothing with the permanent residents. Of course, none of them got too bent out of shape about her being out either. She did get up in Mozart's face at one point and he gave her the paw of doom so she has learned decided to leave him alone.
It has been a while since there were kittens on the loose in the house. Mom wasn't too sure how it would go overnight. Saturday night Bacall found somewhere else to sleep - mom thinks most likely on the back of the sofa since that is where she was Sunday morning. However, Sunday night Bacall got up on the bed and made herself right at home. Luckily, she picked a spot right next to mom's pillow once the lights went out and she didn't move all night except to occasionally get more comfortable.

Of course, there are always toys to play with....and a Daiquiri to get interested.


  1. Good for you Bacall to have all kinds of fun being loose in the house. Sure looks like you had a wonderful time.

  2. Sounds like she has a bit of the savoir faire of her namesake.

  3. Looks to us as if you may have a new resident kitty! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. I think Mary McNeil hit it on the head, with her comment above!

  5. You are the sweetest girl! Someone is going to be lucky to have you in the family.

  6. That is GREAT! And way to show her the boundaries, Big Mo! ;)
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. Bacall on the loose! Looks like she is enjoying herself (Mozart aside).

  8. What a fun toy! Have fun being out, sweet Bacall!

  9. It's good to see the last of the Tuxie minions enjoying herself to much in the house!

  10. Glad ya had some fun being on da loose!

  11. I love that Bacall is so confident and well-socialized. :)


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