Thursday, August 31, 2017

introoder alert

When mom goes into the foster room, Bacall gets all kinds of wound up and wants to get in there:
Why yes, she IS walking on the top of the divider doors.
NO, she shouldn't be up there.

Foxy is the first guard to check out the introoder.

Despite her expression, Panache REALLY doesn't care that Bacall is in the room.
In fact, she chirps at Bacall and mom caught her kissing the kitten the other morning.
Notice however that Foxy and Fish appear very suspicious.

Foxy expresses her displeasure

Bacall gets all flirty - it didn't work

what? we didn't do anything
right - they are the picture of innocence (not)

Fortunately, Panache doesn't care if Bacall is in the room. Bacall is very good with the kittens and isn't pushy or trying to play rough. Fish and Mallard seem indifferent after the first couple of minutes but even after a few days, Foxy is holding a hard line that Bacall is not to be trusted.

Wednesday morning Bacall followed mom into the foster room like she does. And - since mom didn't have her camera with her - Bacall jumped Panache and was trying to get her to play. Bless that momma cat - not only does she put up with her own kittens she is fine putting up with this one as well.


  1. Adventures must be had! Including the up high ones.

  2. Too cute, the expressions on the kitten's faces as to, who the heck is that. Glad Bacall, got along with them.

  3. Your kitten room is soooo amazing and I have been LOVING your adorable photos!! I love that they are larger, you are doing a most pawesome job! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. thanks....the kitten room may forever be a work in progress, but it is SO much better than the bathroom. :)

  4. Such adorable kittens! Panache seems like a real treasure. Foxy, get over your distrust of Bacall...I'm betting there is some really good play in store if you do!

  5. Bacall evidently wants to make new friends.

  6. Panache is a very sweet cat - I hope she finds a REALLY good home once she's done with mom duties.

  7. hay ewe wee onez....we wood haz dis pleasure 25/8/366 two.... witha burd in de room with ther iz with ewe ☺☺☺☺

  8. What cute faces, even the snarky ones. It is all about learning limits. Hugs.

  9. Foxy, you're cute even when you're hissing ! It looks like Bacall is looking for new friends ! Purrs

  10. This is MY toy, and even though you are bigger than me, you can't have it!


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