Thursday, July 28, 2016

throwback Thursday

There are some things going on with the tree kittens that we will talk about tomorrow, but it got mom thinking about an Ivy story that makes her laugh (it shouldn't but it does). After some checking, she realized she never shared it on the blog (since Ivy was adopted before we started this), so for today's post, we are telling on the princess....
Ivy is the one in the middle

Ivy came to our house as a foster kitten with her sisters and her mom. When they were ready to go back to be adopted, mom decided (for reasons she still couldn't explain to you) to bring Ivy back home and make her a permanent resident. (this is when mom was still with the humane society....way back when)

When Ivy got to be about 6 months old, mom noticed a bump on her abdomen that was squishy. She asked the vet at the humane society to check it out and they decided it was an abdominal hernia - her internal spay site must have come open. So they agreed to do the hernia surgery and fix it since they had done her spay.

Mom dropped Ivy off one morning and then came that evening to check on her. As the story was retold, the vet students interning there tried to check her prior to surgery and came back out saying they couldn't touch her. Seems she then had to be caught in a net to be knocked out as she was one angry torbie. (and bear in mind that she was about half the size she is now....)

When mom stopped to check on her, Ivy was in the back of the cage, hissing, growling and all sorts of ticked off. Everyone agreed to just leave her for 24 hours and mom would return the next day to pick her up and take her home.

Day two mom stopped back after work and Ivy was still in the back of the cage cursing at anyone who came too close. Except mom had to get her to take her home..... what to do???

Mom screwed up her courage, tucked her fingers into her hand and stuck her fist in the cage for Ivy to smell. Sniff....sniff sniff..... And mom swears you could see something click on in Ivy's head....she climbed up mom's arm and perched on her shoulder (she was obviously MUCH small then - MOL). The other two people standing there - including the vet - were shocked. But Ivy knew her momma.....  Mom grabbed her quick and put her in the carrier before she could change her mind about being held.
don't even THINK about scritching that belly

And too this day, Ivy is NOT a happy girl about getting her nails done or going to the vet or any other such nonsense.


  1. White belly! White paws! Beautiful girl :)

  2. Oh Ivy, you are just teasing with that belly, aren't you?? PS: When I had my medical misadventure last week, Mom was told that getting me out of my cage was a ... challenge. - toby

  3. A 'difficult' cat who isn't so difficult for the right people. Ivy just trusts a select few, that's all. Smart girl.

  4. That's one heck of a story, Ivy! And your momma was very brave to stick her hand into that cage, while all the vet staff were huddled in terror in the corner! Way to go, Ivy.

  5. How sweet that she loves her Mom. That tummy is very tempting to rub.

  6. Watch out Ivy our Mum is getting itchy fingers!

  7. Ivy is my kinda girl! ❤️❤️❤️

  8. That is such a great story. Cats can be amazing sometimes. Ivy probably was so relieved when she realized that she knew you.

  9. Great story ! Ivy is a beautiful girl ! Purrs

  10. my stars girl, I cant say as though I blame you; a spa day is one thing for nails and such..the vet.......definitely NOT !!! hugs from dai$y ♥♥♥ =^..*=

  11. Oh, Ivy!!! What a great story! We're glad you trust your mama!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  12. MOL! Ivy, us cats have good memories, don't we? Something similar happened with one of the cats that came before us. The mom took him to be neutered and when she showed up later in the day to pick him up, the vet said "we're gonna let you get him out of the cage." Bogart was in the back, hissing and spitting, kinda like Ivy was. But as soon as the mom went in and talked to him and he heard her voice, he calmed down...the mom says she could actually see him relax...and she was able to get him out of the cage and home. :)

  13. We KNOW who we can trust, right Ivy! LOVE this story.

  14. We KNOW who we can trust, right Ivy! LOVE this story.

  15. You sure told them Ivy! We're sure glad you knew your mom and were happy to see her. As for that belly, our mom bean is just dumb enough she might try scritching it. We bet you'd let her know what you think of that too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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