Thursday, April 9, 2015

plus 6

The bathroom is occupied again. Mom got an email from the rescue on Monday saying they needed foster homes. Mom immediately sent a text to the head of the rescue and picked up this crew last night:

Mom cat is doing pretty well. Seeing other cats stresses her out some but they did get her tested (both negative) and vaccinated at the rescue before coming here. She did hiss some as mom brought her upstairs and has hissed at Daiquiri under the door a couple of times as well (we suspect it is mom hormones). But overall is being a great mom and even let our mom give her a pawdicure. The lady who "found" her said she was a stray but this girl is relaxed with all the house sounds, so we have our doubts about that.

These kittens were born Saturday - mom got kittens for her birthday!!!  We would love to tell you genders and names, but mom hasn't taken her remedial gender test yet (and they are pretty tiny). That will come in good time.....

OK - and if mom had to guess (and she loves to do it), the tabbies are girls and the rest are boys. The black one has some faint stripes on his legs, so it will be interesting to see what happens as he gets bigger. Oh - and mom cat keeps making faces at mom when the camera comes out....she will keep trying for a better picture.


  1. Oh, lots of SQUEEEING here!!! Between you and Connie, our human is overcome on a daily basis, with all the kitten pics. :-)

    1. you should check out our friends over at they have kittens too

  2. Oh goodness, they are just too cute. I bet one of the tabbies is a male. Anyway, lots of fun ahead for all in your house. Can't wait for all the pictures. Thanks for the nice birthday wishes.

  3. LOL @ gender test.. I'm still chuckling over that one. and kittens for your birthday, how awesome.

    My mom cat hisses when ever my husband comes to the door too, but then is all over him once he shows up. I wonder if she hisses at me too, but I've never bothered to look and see. hormonal yes, kittens absolutely..

    1. she is fine with mom, but she gets bent about us. mom says she knows when Daiquiri jumps the gate and our mom is in the room with the kittens.....the mom cat can be doing whatever and then her tail doubles in size.

  4. Such a wonderful family and we're so glad they landed there with you!

  5. More lives saved: and more cats to find homes for! Well, one step at a time. They are safe and will be cared for; that's the important thing.

  6. They are such a gorgeous bunch!

  7. Oh goodness what cute little ones - Mum was loving the two little ginger ones snuggling together.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. I'd bet someone dumped the pregnant momma! So glad this little family is in good hands :)

  9. wee ones iz bee yond way two cute...we R happee mom & herz finded ther way two yur houz...ewe guys mite knot care bout it...but we noe de mom & herz iz veree veree grate full....♥♥♥

    now comes name time two....may bee coz itz easturr they could be named afturr candee !!

    happee bee lated two yur mom two...hope her birthday ♫♫♫♫♪♪ wuz a grate one, her getted lotz oh cake & pie N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health two her ♥♥♥

  10. Thank you for taking in the momma and babies! It cannot be said enough; fosters make the rescue world go 'round.

  11. Awwwww! They are so tiny and so adorable!!!! We hope everyone does well! How is the mama kitty?!!?

  12. Lovely family ! We're glad your mom takes good care of those kitties ! Purrs

  13. Squeee! They're adorable. It's always amazing how small they start out.

  14. Aww... so cute. We love baby ginger kitties! Amber was that little once, it's hard to believe.

  15. OMC, these are the most adorable babies. We can't wait to watch them grow, find out their genders and names. We have nominated y'all for an award. You can pick it up on our Thursday post. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. What cuties! Yeah, it sounds like the mom may not be as "stray" as it was claimed.

  17. More cute!! We has been watching the other kittens at Tales from the Foster Kitten and Love and Hisses too. The mom bean is a mess of squee, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


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