Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rescue adoption center things

older kittens hanging out in the kitten room

Some of the volunteers decided to add some vertical areas for the kittens and cats to hang out on.
shelves and stairs in the kitten room

the stairs lead up to a shelf on the far wall

another volunteer had her husband make shelves and hang them through the entire center

And check out this news from Colony Cats - the rescue we volunteer for:
Our adoption numbers for 2014 are 26% above the previous year of 2013.  Our 2014 adoptions were as follows:

327 Adult Cats (over 1 year) - this included 5 FIV positive cats and 6 cats over 10 years of age :)
151 Juvenile Cats (6 to 12 months)
496 Kittens (under 6 months)
 45 Adult Dogs (over 1 year)
 20 Puppies (under 12 mo)

Yep, those total over 1,000 adoptions....1,039 to be exact


  1. All those perches and platforms and vertical space is awesome! So much healthier for the cats.

    Huge, huge congrats on all the adoptions!

  2. Concats on all those adoptions - there will be so many happy dogs and cats thanks to all your efforts.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. That looks like a great place for cats to hang out. They won't want to leave when they're adopted!

  4. I love how you all catified the place. That is fantastic about how many cats you have saved.

  5. That looks great! My husband has been building things for PAWS and the cats love going vertical.
    Your pictures are inspiring!


  6. Those shelves look fantastic. I bet the cats love them. Congrats on all the adoptions. That is so great.

  7. Look at those 'vertical spaces'. MOUSES! I might wanna visit myself. You have some super creative volunteers, for sure.


  8. Dat is sooooo pawsum. And those shelves and hammocks look wunnewful.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. I love all the new vertical territory! And that is great news about all the adoptions!

  10. That is totally, totally wonderful and such fun spaces to hang in!

  11. What a great way to catify the place! Paws up for the adoption numbers for last year. We didn't realize that your group adopted dogs, too.

  12. guys...YAY & happee gotcha days ta all 1039 furz !!! N de shelter stepz & starez R rockin...way kewl ♥♥♥

  13. All those shelves are pawsome ! Concatulations on the adoptions ! Purrs


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