Tuesday, December 16, 2014

HAPPY Gotcha Day

Ivy and Spud

Hard to believe this was 6 years ago.

Don't let the pictures deceive you - they don't spend time together anymore.

Ivy was here as a foster with her mom and her sisters and Spud had been found by a neighbor of our grandparents. Spud fit right in with the girls. While there was no intention of adding to the family, Spud and Ivy never really left.


  1. They were cute kittens and now they are beautiful adults. Happy Gotcha Day! What a great group you chose to be Santa for, I wish there were groups like that everywhere because so many pets lose homes due to deaths of their owners.

  2. Happy Gotcha Day to Ivy and Spud. We're glad they were foster fails. :-)

  3. Happy Gotcha Day to Ivy and Spud.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. To Ivy and Spud,
    We hope you have a very Happy Gotcha Day.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Three cute kittens got one terrific home. Well done Kittehs.

  6. Happy Gotcha Day!!! Hope it's the best yet :)

  7. a veree happee gotcha day two ewe ivy & spud !!! heerz two mice creem dishes, best fishes N happee day wishes....we hope de yeer a head brings ewe both happeenezz and health !! ♥♥♥

  8. Awww... even if they don't hang much together anymore, they're still sweeties!!!
    Happy Gotcha Day!

  9. Happy Gotcha Day, Ivy and Spud! You sure did gotcha yourself an awesome forever home. :)

  10. Happy Gotcha Day to you both!! You're all very lucky to have found each other!

  11. Very happy gotcha day to both of you!

  12. Happy Gotcha Day Ivy and Spud! We is glad you got gotcha'd!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  13. Hope you Gotcha Day was filled with treats, fun surprises, and always...Love! Spud and Ivy, you were blessed and so was your family the day you joined them and decided to stay! The White Dog Army

  14. Happy Gotcha Day! Spud is such a funny name!

    1. and entirely accidental....mom didn't check gender before taking him to get tested. he was kinda shaped like a bowling ball when he was that tiny and when they wanted a name this popped into her head. at least it is original :)

  15. Holy cat, they were so TEENY! Happy Gotcha Day doods!!! And Doodette!

  16. We're sorry, we're late ! We wish you a Happy Gotcha Day ! We hope you had a wonderful day filled with treats and cuddles ! Purrs

  17. Happy belated gotcha day.. I hear you mom got you a 'present' ;)


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