Thursday, August 28, 2014


Most of you by now know about Allie....our feral girl from a couple of years ago - mom to the alcohol kittens.

Well, in addition to her, mom has been seeing a long haired white cat around - definitely feral as she seem terrified if you even look at her. If you remember Bug, this girl looks like her...which makes mom sad as it would appear they missed a kitten somewhere along the line. However, the goal now is trap her and spay her.

Last night mom got home from her shift at the shelter and saw this girl laying on the sidewalk across from our garage door. No time like the present, so mom picked up Allie's food dish and set up the trap.

Mom went down this am and....the door was closed on the trap.

She lifted the towel and found....a black cat. (insert HBO werds here - mom was sure she had caught Allie)

However....this black cat is freaking out (the second time Allie was caught she calmly sat in the trap and gave mom the evil eye). This cat has no white locket on the chest (Allie does) and appears bigger than our girl. And mom was pretty sure she didn't see an ear tip.

Back upstairs, shower, get dressed, grab Cass for her v-e-t appt and off they go.

Cass met with Dr. West today about her back leg. The chick (for lack of a WAY less polite term) who took her to the spay clinic said it was her right back leg. Mom had seen her walk and it was Cass's LEFT back leg. But either way, something funky was going on.

X-rays were taken and there is no pelvis fracture. That's good news. The bad news is that it appears to be "maybe" neurological. Her left back leg doesn't respond to pain as much as the other, but oddly her right front leg responds less than her left front. So Dr West did a complete neurological workup (which is hard to do on a cat...just saying) and is calling in a favor with a vet at Ohio State. Hopefully we will know something soon (no idea the time don't get to the front of the line calling in a favor). For now it is limited activity and get her fed more (she weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and you can feel her hips). If it is something not so serious, the goal would be pain meds and anti-inflammatory. We don't know much beyond that right now. Paws crossed it doesn't end up being surgical....that won't be cheap. So if you could pass along some purrs to our momma cat, that would be much appreciated. And we will keep you posted as we learn more.
Stoli (up front), Sangria (middle) and Daiquiri


  1. We love the mama --and purrs and prayers for Cass. I hope and pray is is something that can be worked out. To mom it sounds so scary if it's neurological but thank goodness it isn't when the Vet attends to it. Just mom's inexperience makes her worry more.

  2. Waiting for a white cat and then finding a black one..! Hope momma cat fares well and news doesn't require surgery. Sending purrs..xx

  3. What pretty little kittens - we are purring that Cass doesn't need surgery.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Oh I hope Cass can be helped with medication and no surgery. Now all you gotta do is catch the white cat. Got your hands full, that is for sure. Best of luck to all of them. Happy Thursday.

  5. Purrs for Cass and this black cat...and the white one too! Your mom sure juggles an awful lot, we're super-impressed. Good luck to her!

    Nicki & Derry

  6. sending lots of purr for Cass and for HBOword free days.. ;)

  7. We're purring for Cass to be helped with medication instead of surgery.

  8. momma cat...we can send purrz a plentee N de manee blessings oh St Francis az well....they werk, trust uz...we troo lee hope thiz iz knot sum seer ee iz, N sorree HBO kitteh !!! ya had ta spend sum time in de trap ♥

  9. oh, gosh yes, we is sendin' lotsa purrs an' some grrs frum the dbd! we wishes all good things to this kitteh, an' to the kindly beans who helps her!!

  10. Purring for good results from the tests, and good luck in trapping the pretty white kitty. We hope she doesn't mat up too badly! Our mom worries about things like that in feral kitties.

  11. Purrs for Cass...we hope she doesn't need surgery. Good luck in trapping the white kitty.


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