Monday, April 7, 2014

weekend wrapup

First, if you don't follow us on facebook, mom posted on Friday that the second tortie passed away. But the little orange boy, now known as Einstein, seems to be doing well. Mom was spayed and put back with her colony.

Mom was gone for the weekend. She had a good birthday and spent some time with her parents and brother, sister-in-law and niece (the kid).

And of course mom got to see the animals that live with our family.

Birthday pasta made by the kid and her grandpa

 Birthday presents

 Grandma, the kid and Izzo (grandma's dog)

Boots (now 7 years old)

Scooby is the new guy living with the kid
He is about 6 months old....

And of course, Minnie the polar bear (Pyrenees)


  1. Our human's in love with Scooby! :-)

    It was very sad to read that the second tortie didn't make. We know that some things aren't meant to be and that some lives are very short, but it's still so sad. Purrs for Einstein to thrive.

    We're glad your mom had a good birthday weekend!

  2. Happy birthday to the Mom!! And nice to meet her family - two and four legged! Yay!

    Awww purrs and hugs to Einstein! Hope he lives a good long life! Take care

  3. Hi Jeanne,

    How nice to celebrate your birthday with dogs, cats and people! And I'm glad to hear Einstein is doing well--I was thinking about him this weekend and hoping for the best. Scooby is quite handsome!

  4. We are sad to hear about the tortie, we sure miss our feral gal. Hooray for a fab birthday weekend!

  5. de best oh fishes N dde blessings o St Francis two ewe Einstein for continmewed grate heatlh...we R trooly sorry bout yur sisters ♥♥♥

    N veree nice two meet ewe izzo, scooby, boots & minnie....hope ewe guys getted presents two...just coz :)

  6. I am so sorry about the torte girl. I AM glad however that you made it back safely.

  7. Sorry for the Little Tortie Girl ! Purrs for Einstein, and Happy Birthday to your mom ! Purrs, Zorro

  8. We were sorry to hear the sad news. Purrs to all and Happy birthday wishes! Great to see the new kitty with amazing ear fur.

  9. Poor little tortie. Some don't much of a chance at life.

  10. Sorry about the torts ) -: Great photos....there are a lot of adorable fur kids in your extended family!

  11. Sounds like you hadz a pawesome birfday! YAY! We're rooting for Einstein too. And mowzers, Boots, you're a gorgeous ginger!!

  12. How sad that the torties did not make it. :-( I'm glad the orange boy is hanging in there - and that your human had a lovely birthday!

  13. Glad you had a nice B-Day.

    Sorry to hear about the sweet little Tortie.

  14. We're so sorry to hear about the second tortie. RIP, sweet one.

    We're glad to hear your mom had a nice birthday with her family.

  15. Happy Birthday Jeanne! You know, if you snorgle Scooby's tummy you can eat some Scooby Snax!

  16. We hope Einstein grows and is healthy!
    Hope your birthday was wonderful!

  17. What a beautiful family of 2 and 4 legged. :) The kid has such a pretty smile.

  18. Sounds like a wonderful birthday, family, presents and four-legged friends!

    I love, love, love Minnie. I had a giant Pyrenees 30 odd years (oh my god I'm old) named Lido. He was the biggest baby. If I let him in the house in the morning, he'd race for my bed and loll there, all 120 lbs of him!

    Have a great week!

  19. Well Happy Belated Birthday!! looks like you had a fun celebration!


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