Thursday, February 20, 2014

Silly girl....

The other morning, Saffron woke up right before the alarm and jumped up on the bed with the red fuzzy toy. Mom got up, tossed the toy into the hall and before she could get out, Saff was back on the bed with the toy. Throw the toy, turn around, the kitten is back. Finally, mom grabbed Saffron in one hand and the toy in the other....and got growled at as she exited the room until she threw the toy down the hall. Goofy girl.

She was playing with the toy the other night was too dark in the living room to get video, but mom got some pictures.


  1. What a cute little girl! She must really love her red fuzzy toy. :)

  2. That red toy looks as though it is a firm favourite - we love how she is stood on her hind legs with it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. She really loves the red toy, isn´t? So cute!

  4. She looks like she's having fun, especially that last picture. My Tucker sometimes plays in the dark - while I'm trying to sleep...

    1. that's a good time too....especially when mom moves and then Saff can chase the bed mice (and listen to mom mumble about toenails)

  5. Mommy LOVES when babies stand up like that!!!

  6. saffron....haaaaay...."mom" shulda given ya sum treetz for doin such a grate job on ree treevin...knot everee kitteh can due that ya noe !! we will send her a text ta ree mind her ta due sew !

  7. Saffron, you do like that red toy. It does look like fun and good for you to train the human to throw it for you. Well done. Hope all of you have a great day.

  8. That red toy looks like great fun, and seems to be your favorite one from far, Saffron ! Purrs

  9. It's always amazed me just how quickly a kitten can find a toy thrown across a dark bedroom and place it on one's face practically before you can close your eyes again. And 3am is often prime play time for kittens! Of course I can never say no to a few games at any hour with them, even if I am tired--they are so serious about their playtime!

  10. Oh, she's adorable! Mom and I love her!!!
    Play bows,

  11. Check you out Saffron, standing up like a bean! All you need is thumbs and that toy is history, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. actually Saffron is polydactyl, so technically she has thumbs (and mom suspects she may be making plans to take over the world - MOL)

  12. LOL! I love when cats stand up like bear cubs when playing with toys. She's so cute!!!


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