Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Opt to Adopt - Saffron

A couple of quick updates:
1. Amelia aka the Dust Bunny was adopted on Friday!!!  She will be living with a new mom and dad and a 14 year old mancat. Mom got to see a picture of him and Amelia may just become mini-me. Mom already got an update and Amelia was settling in great. Considering how laid back she was here, we suspect the introductions went well.

2. Katniss is doing ok but is pretty unhappy being inside. So the outdoor enclosure will be cleaned out of snow and she will go out there probably today or tomorrow. Information we have read about relocations say it takes at least 14 days before they adjust, so she will be in there for a while but the enclosure is pretty big and has a nice house and food and water provided, so she is in good shape. Thanks for all your comments and mom said it was nice on Sunday when it started to snow to not have to worry about her.

Check out those thumbs

Yep - loving on Uncle Tim

Could she get a little cuter???

Saffron came here when she was pretty tiny and has grown up with us resident cats. But at just over 4 months old, it is past time for her to find her forever home. She is super sweet and gets along great with everyone here. She has seen a couple of dogs at the pet store and would probably be ok with slow introductions. Of course, mom would recommend that anyhow considering the names that Saff called Cumin when he showed up. MOL

Saffron loves to climb up to sit on mom's lap for attention and even sleeps with us at night. Since she is polydactyl, her new family will need to pay extra close attention to her nails to be sure they stay short, but that isn't such a big deal.


  1. Paws up for Amelia! It's about time she had a home! It sounds like the outdoor enclosure should work well for Katniss for now. I hope she finds it - and this home - satisfactory for her!

  2. We're so happy for Amelia! And we hope Katniss settles down soon.
    Was Uncle Tim enjoying some comforting massage...with thumbs!?

  3. Yay Amelia! Off to share Saffron. Thanks for joining the blog hop!

  4. Paws up for Amelia….sounds like she has a pawsome home!!! And glad that Katniss has options. Good news day!

  5. Hurrah for Amelia! She ought to give that 14 year old veteran a change in his life.

  6. conga ratz amelia on yur gotcha day !!! N we hope ya get ta settlin in katniss...it will take a few but ewe bee in good hands !! saffron...stilll hopin for a for evers for ewe...hope full lee by months end N tim...dood...lookin good !

  7. Saffron, we sure hope your forever fambly comes for you SOON! ANd yaaaay for Amelia!

  8. Yay for Amelia! Now let's purr that Saffron finds a home soon too!

  9. Hooray for Amelia, we hopes Saffron follows her example furry soon!

    We hopes Katniss settles in soon too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Yeah! The Dust Bunny got adopted? Woohoo!!!

    Saffron, we are purring and praying you find your forever home very soon. :)

  11. Sounds like Saffron is ready to face the brave new world; we ask the Universe to send the perfect loving and understanding forever family. We send soft woos of delight to Amelia and wish her a long and wonderful life.

  12. We are so delighted to hear that Amelia has found her furever home. We hope Saffron will get hers soon too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx


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