Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

can you stand the cute? we don't think you can

yes, she is sleeping with her head in the track

 the Angry Dust Bunny disapproves of you

notice she isn't completely black...
she has a couple of white spots and brown highlights

Mom took her to a Pet Fair on Sunday. Put a leash and harness on her....and she did great. It was a little warm for a black dust bunny, but she even walked around by herself (while mom watched for woofies).


  1. Oh, you little Angry Dust Bunny! You certainly LOOK the part. ;)

  2. She is the cutest dust bunny ever. What a doll. :-)

  3. We wish our home had that dust bunny living here.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, how adorable is the Angry Dust Bunny!!??!!
    Play bows,

  6. She is just precious. I'm sure she'll get adopted quickly.

  7. Adorable! Someone is going to fall in love with her! Purrs...

  8. OMC, my human wishes there was a pet blogging conference you could bring her to - she wants to meet her!

  9. bunny, and I can tell, even at your young age, you have the boys say...AWESOME

    hugs from dai$y =^..*=

  10. Little Dust are going to be scooped up by someone's love in no time at all :)

    We hope Licorice is feeling better today. Such a sweet baby.

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. Got to love leash and harnesses for kittens.. You always get the most interesting looks when you are out and about with one.

    Wonder if they make one small enough for Issac Arnold

    1. I used the ferret one I had from Triscuit and even all the way small it wasn't a great fit but enough to keep track of her. Issac may have a ways to go though. ;)

  12. Oh we have a new cutie patootie. Dust Bunny we are in love with you for sure. Hope you find the most purrfect home. Take care.

  13. Okay we LOVE the Angry Dust Bunny!

  14. Our mom wonts have long hair kitties in her house...she says we makes enough furs as it it...but she would make an exception for the angry dust bunny! OMC is she cute, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. She is just adorable. It's great that she is leash trained so early. I need to get that going for Alice very soon, and I doubt Scooter will even think of putting up with it.

  16. That is such an angry face on Angry Dust Bunny. It's too bad 'cause she's such a cute floofy girl. Sounds like she is well socialized, which always helps. Kittens are so funny about sleeping. It is like they have go and stop buttons and they just fall over right where they are and nap. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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