We don't know if we have talked about it before, but we find it disturbing how many abusers keep people feeling trapped in abusive relationships by using fear of what might be done to their animals. Well, mom was reading an article and found this website for the Animal Welfare Institute that has a Safe Havens link where people can put in their zip code and find a location where they go find safety for themselves and their pets. In our area, our local humane society has a safe havens program that will take pets in while the people get out and get safe. And...once the animals are determined to be stable and if it is going to be long term, they are sent to foster in a special program with a local women's prison - so the women benefit from helping others and the animals as well.
The space kittens were dropped off this morning for updated v-e-t checks and vaccines (maybe). Everyone is doing much better...in fact, the dreaded (b*a*t*h) was avoided by all. Yep - even Rocket. :) He is still having some weird....issues. But he is about 90% in the box (thank heaven cause mom is threatening to use him as the sponge the next time she has to scrub the floor - MOL). Sounds like they will all be coming back. Some foster families are on "vacation" until after July 4th, and there was a litter of 3 hissy kittens that Miss Kelsey at the shelter needs to take to socialize. The bathroom is kind of small for all 8 of them especially since mom can't give them much freedom until she trusts Rocket. But....we will figure something out. Oh - and mom promises to get more pictures up next week - it has been kind of nutty around here this week.
Ayla, Iza and Marley: thanks for the flower/plant tip (the comments is a good place to put stuff like that so the mom sees it). Mom looked them up online and we may have to have her get some.... We are petitioning for cat grass and maybe some nip or mint, but we aren't sure we are gonna win that one. :)

The space kittens were dropped off this morning for updated v-e-t checks and vaccines (maybe). Everyone is doing much better...in fact, the dreaded (b*a*t*h) was avoided by all. Yep - even Rocket. :) He is still having some weird....issues. But he is about 90% in the box (thank heaven cause mom is threatening to use him as the sponge the next time she has to scrub the floor - MOL). Sounds like they will all be coming back. Some foster families are on "vacation" until after July 4th, and there was a litter of 3 hissy kittens that Miss Kelsey at the shelter needs to take to socialize. The bathroom is kind of small for all 8 of them especially since mom can't give them much freedom until she trusts Rocket. But....we will figure something out. Oh - and mom promises to get more pictures up next week - it has been kind of nutty around here this week.
Ayla, Iza and Marley: thanks for the flower/plant tip (the comments is a good place to put stuff like that so the mom sees it). Mom looked them up online and we may have to have her get some.... We are petitioning for cat grass and maybe some nip or mint, but we aren't sure we are gonna win that one. :)
That is very good information. Thank you for sharing it
ReplyDeleteThanks for publicizing the link about animal safety/domestic violence. I work at the NYC Health Department--we have a number of pages listing domestic violence resources, but we don't have that link and I will add it to our website.
ReplyDeletecat grass guys...cat grass.....grass we think iz even better than nip....hope all is well with de space CATets; hope everee one getz a kleen bill oh health N hope everee one haza grate week oh end :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting that link! The shelter some of us came from is getting involved with that program. It's a good one! Can't wait for new pictures of the hissy ones! Purrs....
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding us of an important issue. I wrote about it in Jan 2012 and sadly the stats remain high. http://catwisdom101.com/real-love-doesnt-hurt/
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting the link. I can see how people might stick on in an abusive relationship for fear of what might happen to their pet(s). That program is very good and hopefully there's more publicity on it.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that there are places that are taking into account that abused spouses and partners may need a safe haven for their pets. Abusers often start with cruelty animals when they are young, so it is nothing to them to harm innocent creatures.
ReplyDeleteThe Safe Havens sounds like a wonderful idea. No species should have to put up with abuse! I am glad the space kitties are doing better!
ReplyDeleteHad never heard about these programs before. What a great idea. Thanks foPurrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josetter string.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing about Safe Haven. We know someone who was in an abusive relationship where the animals were also hurt. Thankfully, they are away from that environment now.
ReplyDeleteWe support all efforts to make Beins an pets not afraid. Safe and sound an happy...
ReplyDeleteThank you for publishing that very important link. We are glad there is such a resource for those who people and pets to escape their abusers.