Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Almost a year ago (part two)....

There were two more guys in the alcohol family kitten family. Bourbon and Moonshine were here much longer. Bourbon never went to Petco - he was born with no kneecaps in his back legs and mom wanted to keep him safe and keep people from feeling sorry for him. Shine went to Petco but was VERY unhappy there and ended up coming back to the house. And at the end of 2012, the boys were adopted together.

Well, mom told L and L when they adopted the boys that they were getting "two kittens and a stalker" which they were really ok with. Thank cod......
 picture from their mom - shortly after going home

And, last Wednesday mom got to stop over and see the boys. She doesn't normally get birthday presents for former fosters, but this group is different, so she had Miss Andrea from Celestial Kitties make us some special kickers for them with their names on them. And then mom forgot to get pictures of the toys.  MOL

(BTW - Tucker's mom says Tucker never growls or hisses at his sister....but he got his kicker in the mail and was NOT ABOUT to let her near his new toy).

Bourbon is the official family greeter and was right there when mom got to their front door. Goose (Moonshine) is a little shyer, but loves his mom and dad. They call him the land shark cause he will run across the room and jump on his dad for a ride across the apartment. The first thing mom noticed was that, while he still walks funny, Bourbon noticeably walks more like normal. His back doesn't have nearly the slope.  And the boys are VERY loved and spoiled.

When the toys were broken out, Bourbon claimed them both.
Goose wasn't having it though and took off with his.

think all of the money you could save - just buy him a paper bag

Mom sent them a note when she got home thanking them for letting her come over. She got this back from their mom:
Thank you again for the gifts for the boys- they are absolutely loving them! We feel so lucky to have added such amazing cats to our little family and really feel like they were always meant to be with us. Thank you so much for being such a great foster to our "babies"!

Awwwww - that is why mom fosters.  :)

We hope you enjoyed the updates. It was pretty awesome for mom to get to see all the boys now that they are just over a year old.


  1. How very sweet! I love the photo of the snuggles. It has to be such a wonderful thing to see them all grown up and get a note like that. You work really hard and put a lot of love into each kitten so it's nice to see this.

  2. It must be very gratifying to see them so happily housed.

  3. Awww...I LUVED this! I bet it just makes your heart swell up with happiness to see how happy THEY are! Good job to you and good job to their pawrents!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  4. We love these updates too! The alcohol kitties have found themselves fantastic forever homes!

  5. This is just wonderful. How rewarding it must be for you to see how happy your foster babies are, even Bourbon walking well. I just love the note their mom sent you. What a success story!

  6. Oh this was fun seeing the Bourb again. Glad to hear that he is so happy and that his legs are doing all right. Such good news. Take care.

  7. It makes me feel good to get these updates--I almost feel as if I know the cats you foster.

  8. Now that would really make one's day! Not just hearing about them but being able to see former fosters happy and well cared for.

  9. How nice to be able to visit former foster kitties in their new forever homes.

  10. We DID love the updates...
    Wish the temps would stay COOL so we could meet you on Saturday... Darn it. We even have our Shot records out and ready and everythingy.
    Maybe the weather blabbers will change their minds..

  11. What a great update. And we loved hearing about the Bourb. :)

    You made us laugh with that comment about the bag!

  12. veree nice ta meet ewe both bourbon N goose !!! way happee ewe both were abe bull ta stik two gether N way happee ya haz yur for evers home :) N yea, tim's mom does rock !!

  13. I am so happy to hear that Goose, and especially Bourbon, are doing so well and have such a great home!

  14. Aww, I'm so glad they are doing so well! And that they loved their toys! I'm surprised Bourbon walks better, but so glad! I thought his odd little run was cute and I'm glad it never slowed him down.

  15. It's so pawsome to hear the kitties are doing so well. We always wonders how they are.

    Good work mom!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  16. A great feel-good story! Although, the thought of no kneecaps is a little chilling. We're glad he is doing so well!

  17. Just one of these notes makes you do it again and again and again despite the hassles,the craziness, and the occasional heartbreak! We love happy forever mores!


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