Monday, March 25, 2013

URGENT rescue - update

OK - Mona has contacted Frieda in Charlotte about pulling the cat. Now....we just have to figure out how to get her back to Columbus. Not sure how long Frieda is willing to hold her either. No confirmation on her being pulled just yet, but Mona has been in contact with the shelter and they know we are sending someone for her.

THANK YOU for the support and the made a HUGE difference and we should be able to get this baby back here.....  paw crossed!!


  1. I hope everyone can work together to work something out!
    Play bows,

    PS: If that doesn't make sense, Mom said she's not fully caffeinated. :)

  2. Paws crossed everything goes as planned! Keep us all posted!

  3. We're purring the kitty can get to Ohio soon.

  4. Purrrrrrry good noos. Sending a cheer to Frieda in Charlotte.

  5. Good luck! We so wish we could help with the transport. We will definitely be purring and praying for everything to work out well.


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