Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mom is thankful - Tim not so much....

Mom has asked and the CB is going to try to set up an auction to diffuse some of the cost for the medical care the gemstone kittens incurred along with their spay/neuters. Mom knew when the kittens came from Miss Chrystal in Illinois that she was responsible for them. She feels that way about all her fosters. But she never anticipated that they would get so sick - no one happens more often than not - especially in rescue. No animal is allowed to suffer she got them to the vet.

(THANK YOU Ann for the is all choked up from the offers to help)

Now, Bourbon and Moonshine are most likely going to need dentals as well as their adult top canines grew in - but their baby teeth didn't fall out. So they have 4 top canine fangs....and inflamed gums....and dragon breath (stand back - it really is lethal). The rescue, like many others, is struggling. They took in a kitten that had to have her tail amputated due to abuse. And then October 31st they took in 2 black kittens that had been set on fire (yes, you did read that right). And they took the alcohol kittens and the gemstones kittens (that Miss Chrystal originally saved) as a favor to us.

So, if you have something you would like to donate, please see above for information. Mom says she hates asking for help, but she is going to have to bend her pride a little. It was hard for her to admit she needs help. But last night she was laying in bed.....Cory seems to be sliding backwards, Maestro has developed a strange limp, and Junior and Spud got into it - twice around 12:30am. We hate to tell people this, but mom was laying in bed and almost cried. It is hard to care so much and feel overwhelmed. So, THANKS
Tuesday was interesting.  We didn't get breakfast in a timely manner. The kitts and Cleo did, but not the rest of us. Then it happened.......

Tim was uncerimoniously grabbed and shoved in the PTU. He put up a good fight, but mom overpowered him. He started singing the warrior song and Tommy came over to check on him.

And then we got distracted by breakfast. (sorry Tim)

Mom hauled him off in the car and he was gone ALL DAY!!!

He came back moaning and groaning about a weird v-e-t and a hospital and dogs and funny smells. And he wasn't walking too straight either.

Mom said he needed his teeths cleaned. He did very well but did have to have a couple of molars in the back removed. He was ALL ABOUT the canned food when he got home - mom had to stand guard as the rest of us wanted it too!!! By morning he was pretty much back to normal. He is on an aunty-biotic for a few days....and put up a fight with mom that first night (mom has the wound to prove it....and his toenails were just trimmed too!).


  1. I think as a society, we need to ask for help more. Hope the auction works out well and everyone is healthy soon!

  2. Glad you asked for help. We already have four items come in for the auction. So keep asking. Take care.

  3. You are doing a great job with the fostering and you shouldn't feel bad about asking for help. If all the animal owners were responsilbe, you wouldn't need to take in abandoned little kitties. They are the responsability of us all. I felt bad asking for help, for food and money donations, but when the ultimate goal is to help the animals, I stash my pride aside. It is not for me after all and I was surprised at how many offered their help once they were given the possibility. Not everybody, of course, but enough of them to settle a bigger vet bill. Keep asking!

  4. I am proud of YOU and all you do and of course you need assistance. MORE than happy to help.

  5. We're glad Tim is doing fine now! He won't really miss the molars, heaven knows, Derry does fine with only one upper chewing tooth left (poor boy!).

    We're glad to read about the upcoming auction and will either bid or donate $ if we can! (Our human gets paid on the 30th, and hope the auction will run for a couple of weeks.)

  6. Mum is going to see what she can find for the auction. Hannah had to lose most of her teeth last year (think she has about 4 left).
    It doesn't stop her eating freshly cooked chicken!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Looking forward to the auction Jeanne, I'll do what I can :-)

  8. We love the CB auctions!! Yay!! Hugs to Tim!! Take care

  9. Marg does suchma terrific job and the auctions are not only helpful but fun.

  10. We'll be joining the auction as soon as Mom's camera battery is recharged so she can send pictures to Marg.

    Things will get better. Having 10 dogs in the house, I know the feeling can be overwhelming when things start to go wrong.

  11. We love to see the things that goes up during the CB auctions. And Marg does such a great job organizing it.
    We're glad Tim's dental appointment went well.

  12. On this thankful Thursday we are thankful for all your hard work fostering all those cute furries, especially the gemstones. We will be having items in the auction, so stay tuned...

  13. We know how you feel about being overwhelmed when things go awry. We try to keep our blog posts cheerful but with six animals of our own and two sickly senior fosters there always seems to be one critter with somethings that needs tending at all times. And now with Levon picking on Esme it ups the stress for sure. I wish asking for help wasn't seen as a weakness somehow. Some times we all need help and you shouldn't feel bad about reaching out at all! You are picking the pieces up of other people's irrespnsibility and that is commendable! We will gladly bid when the auction is set up :)

    Hugs and love,
    LP +
    the critters in the cottage xo

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Asking for help is not shameful. We are a community.

  15. Oooh! We'll go paw thru mom's closet - we just KNOW we gotz stuff to donate! This'll be fun! And for a very good cause.

  16. Oh my Tim, what did the vet do to your entire head!! it looks ... transparent!!! :)

    I am so glad everyone is doing better..

  17. Will you be doing a Chip In on your blog? I would happily donate if you did.

  18. Don't worry Jeanne. Wesa going to find things for mama to donate and hopefully send the pics to Marg tonight.
    Much Luvums,
    The Slimmer Puggums & Purrsibs

  19. Aww! Good luck with the auction. You are in good hands with Marg!! x

  20. We're glad you asked for help - you're not in this alone! Good luck with the auction!
    Play bows,

  21. We don't think we have much to donate but looking forward to seeing if we can bid on something.

  22. We can't think of anything to donate for sale...since our mom is useless at crafty things and stuff like that. But we'll make sure she stops by the auction and helps out that way (will they take credit card - cause mom says she doesn't understand the paypally thingy)

    Good luck!

  23. We don't have ANNYTHING fancy enough to offer for a bid. But we WILL try to bid on something to help out.

  24. We can do you something for the auction. Email me at WhskR AT Mac DOT CoM and we will get something out to you.

    Marjorie and Dash

  25. You shouldn't feel bad about asking for help, with all the help you give to others! Will you also have a way for people to donate directly?

  26. I wish we could explain to our babies that the medication isn't a punishment - we are just doing what is best for their health. It makes me sad because they don't understand. We are glad he is feeling better already! Here's to a very speedy recovery from the dental work :)

  27. Me will go see ur aukshun. Thanx! :)

    P.S. Feel better Tim.

  28. If there's one thing I've learned, is that sometimes you need to simply ask for a little help. Considering the amazing things you're doing, I'm not surprised that your request was met with positive feedback. Hope things went well with your auction and wishing all your lovely furry friends speedy recoveries and pearly white teeth!

  29. Teri said she'd look through the stuff she sets aside for auctions (up in the attic) and donate a couple of things for you!

    The limping and cellulitis might be related to the respiratory infection, so be sure to watch it closely for spreading to other extremities. It can be serious.


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