Thursday, April 5, 2012

Great news.....

Thanks for the Gotcha Day and Birthday wishes.....we loved having you help us celebrate. Mom went to dinner with some of course OUR dinner was late. But - there were treats later, so we let her off easy.


Tuesday night, our Madeline (see her original story here) went to her forever home.

(sorry - bad picture - she just would not cooperate)

She went to a very quiet home with a very nice retired couple. Mom sent LOTS of instructions and made sure they will give her the time and patience she needs to adjust just one more time. Mom is glad she found a home and will touch base with them in about a week to see how she is doing. We expect it will be much easier into a home than into the adoption space.


  1. Hurray for Madeline! Enjoy your new home!

  2. So glad that lovely Madeleine has a chance at a REAL forever home this time!!!! YAY!!!

  3. I bet you're missing your Madeline but that's WONDERFUL that she's got her forever home. Yeah!!!

  4. Oh we are so happy for beautiful shy Madeline!! Awwww yay!! Take care

  5. always great to have a forever home, hope it works out well.

  6. Yippee, paws and fingers crossed for Madeline!

    Happy Easter weekend to you all, we hope the Easter Bunny brings lots of yummy treats!

  7. WE came by to apologize a lot for missing your Mom's birthday. Our Mom is the Queen of slack. We won't even tell her excuses. Anyway, Happy Birthday to the Mom a little late and glad to hear that she got to go out for dinner. Had that is so exciting about Madalene. That sure sounds like a great home for her.
    Take care.

  8. What great news! We're so happy for Madeline and we hope it works out well!

  9. Yay for Madeline! Sounds like she found a great place!

  10. We are *so* happy for Madeline! This sounds like a great home for the shy girl.

  11. We hope Madeline has a very calm transition in her new forever home.

    Truffle and Brulee

  12. We hope this couple are the perfect choice and that Madeline has a forever home that keeps her safe, healthy, and loved!

  13. oh that's just PAWEsome for Madeline!!!

  14. Thats great news on Madeline, she deserves a !

  15. Yea, Madeline!!! What great news!
    Play bows,

  16. Wonderful news. Adoptions are always great, but it's even better when someone will take a chance on a shy kitty and give them love and patience and allow them to blossom at their own pace.


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