Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2 minutes of squee......

Silver is still doing well and Marble is still being a very good mom.
please don't kiss me anymore

Silver is getting more mobile every day. And the other night mom caught this (oh, and the dark blurs you keep seeing is Marble walking in front of the camera....  MOL)


  1. Teri lubs dem lil folded ears...they remind her of a teddy bear...

  2. OMG!!! He's all claws and paws!!! OH he is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Squeeeeeeeeeeee!! Take care

  3. Oh oh OH! My mom is just so enchanted again!!!

  4. aaah.. so that is why you kiss me so much, I taste good!!

    oh great, now I have an itch on the back of my head.. isn't my back foot supposed to take care of that?? why isn't it reaching??

    lol. too precious!

  5. That was so darn cute and that darn hind leg just won't behave itself. It was just out of control. Marble, good job watching out for that young-un. Great video. Take care.

  6. Oh yea, themsqueeeeeeees are squeeeeeeing!

  7. Oh my!!That makes us giggle with the cuteness of it all:) How ever is your Mama going to give up that much kitten adorableness and sugarness and sweetness ?! LP could never do it!!

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  8. That was the sweetest video we ever saw. We had to giggle at him trying to catch hold of his leg to give it a bath!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. There's a whole lot of that SQUEEEEEEEing going on around here!
    Play bows,

  10. OMC his paw is outta control! lol

  11. SOOOOOO sweet!!! They have no idea how cute they are. ; )
    Glogirly & Katie

  12. We love all the stretching and yoga moves! Marble is a great protective foster mom for that adorable cutie!

  13. Oh my gosh! That is the sweetest, cutest thing! When he grabs his own head.. he's trying to hold his head together because he's so cute he's gonna explode himself! Heads explodin' all over the 'net! Squeeeeeeeee
    Who's purring is that? moms or his??

  14. Oh my cat! SQUEEABLE is the only word that works here!

  15. Oh yeah, we are definitely squeeing over here! :)

  16. Oh my. What a cute little squirt he is! That is one adorable video! Yay, gray power!

  17. Happy Gotcha Day Junior! Silver is adorable, the Mom is still squeeing over his picture.

  18. Awww...what a beautiful baby! So glad the kitten is thriving! :)

  19. Silver is quite the sweetie. We suspect Marble still isn't quite sure she approves of beans watching her kitteh.


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