Monday, February 20, 2012

We were abandoned....again....

Mom left us forever and we nearly starved to death....
    Would you guys stop posting that???!!!  I was gone 4 days and the pet sitter came every day.

Doesn't matter mom......

Wait....did we hear the treat jar???  OK - we forgive you....this time....


  1. I know that look . MOL! I go away rarely and have someone come in twice a day to care for my furkids, but they want to say that they were abandoned! :P

  2. We think you should be given a meal of treats!!!

  3. Man, abandonment. Better give you the whole treat jar far as I am concerned. I hope MY mommy doesn't get any ideas! She left me for 2 days!!!

  4. Awwwww if mum gives you lots of treats, you gotta forgive her a little! :-) Yay! take care

  5. MOL! Yeah, treats go a long way when it comes to forgiveness, don't they? :)

  6. Pet sitters don't compare to Mom being around. Onyx can attest to that!

  7. how cruel! for each day your were left on your own, starving to death you ought to pee on the human's pillow! That'll teach them! Sometimes it takes a strong message for humans to change. :)

  8. Why don't they get the message that they should always be there to wait on our every whim.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Humans don't get it do they!!! They are here only to serve and obey! Huh!

  10. Homecomings are almost as good as home finding!

  11. Cupboard love, gets the little buggers every time.

    Mommy Trish

  12. Four days? However did you manage? I start complaining around the four HOUR mark.

  13. We actually like our pet sitter better than our human. Don't tell her that!

  14. But the petsitter isn't the same as Mom! But come on kitties, give your mom a break - she made sure you were well taken care of. :-)

  15. Yeah, our Mommie abandons us all the time too. She says she just went to the store and was only gone for one hour, but it felt like FOREVER!

  16. Oh yeah! We have EXACTLY the same problem. But treats solve it efurry time!

  17. Aww, you poor abandonded neglected... treats! Way to go, guilt works!


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