Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Puppy Mill Transport....

Mom got to help Best Friends with another transport last night....Missouri to New York with a stop here in Ohio.....  You can read their latest blog about puppy mills.

Mom got to see all sorts of breeds of dogs - mostly little ones, but there were some big dogs on this one as well. Amazingly, a lot of them are so very friendly and are happy to be out. And the others will break your heart....a big female siberian that was wonderful to walk but wouldn't go near the grass. A female bulldog who has been so overbred she hung almost to the ground. A female corgi who just sat in the grass and trembled. Mom walked an 8 year old male standard poodle.....he LOVED it....walked in the grass and peed on everything. :)  He had haircut and the BF staff said he had been pulled by a poodle rescue who gave him a bath and a shave before putting him on the transport.

They should be "landing" in New York this morning and getting everyone settled in with the rescues there.... and then on to good forever homes. :)

Also, Crystal from Daily Dose of Dogs/Cats with your Coffee emailed me last night and they had another kitten run for the bridge. Plus she has the kitty cold going around and she is just having a hard time...if you stop over, please share a hug and some purrs/grrs!! THANKS


  1. Thans for being there for the woofies, I hope they each get wonderful forever homes really soon!

  2. Just been reading up about the puppy mill rescue. Good grief! Those poor doggies - emotionally scarred but at least they are safe now and on their way to being rehabilitated! Hugs to mum for helping out!! Yay!

    Awwwww just also read about Serenity and her pups and the poor family of kittens over at Daily Dose.

    Hugs all round! Take care

  3. Gosh you are so terrific to do that transporting. I would love to have a standard Poodle but the last thing I need is another animal.

  4. Great Job!!!! I tried looking to adopt a standard poodle before getting Luke and ICE....OBI was adopted from the breeder. Standard poodles are wonderful and that poodle should do well in a compassionate home. What color was he and was he a smaller standard..they start from 18 inches and go up....OBI was 30" tall!=^Y^=Holly

  5. You are awesome, and we love you! Thank you for helping out with these woofies. :)

  6. Thanks for helping the woofies! Sorry about Crystal's sad news. We'll run right over and give some hugs and purrs.

    Laura and Taffy

  7. We bet those woofies loved getting attention from humans who only wanted to love them,nothing more :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  8. Thanks for being there for those pups who so needed a helping hand! Our Puff is a rescued mill breeder and she didn't know how to walk on a leash; she just froze. So many have never even set paw on grass. you helped to give them not a second chance...but a chance a a FIRST life! Thank you.

  9. Oh, I sure do hope all those guys get wonderful forever homes like I did.

  10. The reslilience of dogs is amazing. We don't see how anyone with a conscience can operate a puppy mill. We hope all of these guys find the loving furrever homes they deserve. Thanks for all the help you do! :)

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  11. We've said it before and we'll say it again -- your mom ROCKS!!! Thanks to her these guys are on their way to find loving forever homes!!! HA ROOOO!!!!
    Play bows,

  12. Must have been hard to see the suffering they've endured but so incredibly uplifting to see the dogs that understood they had been "set free". Free at last.Let's hope the traumatized pups will thrive with love and attention in their new homes!!
    Well done and thanks for all you do for the ones that don't have a voice and who need help.

    the critters in The Cottage xo


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