Monday, December 23, 2024

Happy Holidays

 We know there are lots of them so we wish you happy celebrations. No matter how or with whom you celebrate, please know we are sending you warm wishes.

We got an early present that included one of those famous catnip bananas. Daiquiri was pretty excited. Boba got a turn. 

Then Buttons got her paws on.

In other news, the fountain is a success. No ad or anything, but it's an Elfin and we think we've seen it on sale. 

Please take care of yourself this season and be safe. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Vet visits and news

 We did the annual vet visits on Wednesday. Boba got gabapentin before the appointment to keep her head from exploding. 

Daiquiri may have to get some next time too. The stress is hard on those two.

Everyone got a clean bill of health. Chanel and Boba got their rabies vaccines updated and Daiq got a blood draw for senior (omg) blood work.

Also Daiq and mom "may" have gotten a talking too about Daiq's chonky figure. She weighed in at 14.75 pounds and should probably be under 12. Chanel stayed steady at 11 pounds and Boba weighed in at 11.5 (the vet declared her just a big girl).


In other news, it may come as no surprise to some of you, but Buttons is now officially a permanent member of the Random Felines. Mom made some adjustments around the house and things are going well. 

This is the new gate at the top of the stairs. It's still a work in progress since Chanel gets over but can't seem to figure out how to get back, and Boba knocks it off the closing magnet when she jumps over. 

We hope Buttons can also help us continue to educate people about rescue but also special needs kittens.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Good news

 The girls went back to the shelter on Friday. Marigold was adopted that evening and Aster was adopted on Saturday. We love quick turn overs like that. 

Annual vet visits are this week so mom is preparing for that. Daiquiri has to get the "old lady" blood work done while Chanel and Boba need their annual checks and vaccines. Boba will be going on the happy drugs this time so her head doesn't explode. 

Otherwise mom is busy working and getting Christmas stuff done. We don't put up a tree but she has shopping to do. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Catching up

 Sorry...we've been bad about this.

Anyhow. There have been a couple of spare kittens here for about a week and they go back this Friday. Aster and Marigold came here after being spayed to get over a cold. Mom finally let them out of the foster room last Thursday and they are WILD. Just all over the place. They are out now during the day but in the foster room at night. 



This will most likely be our last set of kittens for a while (though you never know). 

Fountain update: it's still alive!!! Actually Chanel still plays in the water a little but thankfully most of the except has worn off. Goldfish is still a little unsure about it - most likely because it will turn on when she walks by it. There is still a regular dish next to it as well.

Otherwise it's pretty normal here. Mom is working a little more with holidays and it getting a little extra busy. But she says it pays for Christmas presents so it's OK. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Unexpected buy

 Not an ad

If you've followed us for anytime, you know we've tried water fountains. They can be great to entice cats to drink more. 

But.....previous ones have been terrible to clean. So many finicky parts. Mom would get so frustrated.

Then there is this cat:

Chanel actually has killed most of the ones we've tried. The last one she stood on the bubbling spout until the motor died. 

However, mom was on vacation a couple of weeks ago and noticed her friend (Julie - Cupcake's mom) had a box on her table. Oh look a fountain. They unboxed it and mom was intrigued. 

It was an Elfin Fountain. Mom had seen ads but never looked into it since there is currently a no fountain rule. 

This was different though. The motor was in the base - not in the container itself. This means minimal parts and everything but the base can go in the dishwasher. And the base is chargeable so it can be cordless. bought one. 

It charged quickly, easy to put together. Nice size water container. Quiet and easy to use. We are going to need a bigger mat. And milage may vary on how often you need to fill it. 

The only real problem so far is Chanel is part raccoon. She loves to stick her feet on the basin. Luckily she can't block the spout or the entire basin so the motor is safe. But she flings water ALL over. The top stainless basin also gets dirty faster here but it unclips really easy to get rinsed off. 

It's been running for a week now and we all really like it. Some more than others...

Monday, November 11, 2024

Big news

 Hey Boba...get out of the carrier. We need it for someone else.


Her new moms (a mother and daughter) heard about her on a CH page mom joined. They previously adopted a pair of CH orange cats - Popcorn and Cheddar. Popcorn passed away and they were looking for a companion for Cheddar. Pumpkin seemed like the perfect fit.

Mom asked all the questions and everything checked out. But...they live in New Hampshire. Mom put a lot of thought into it. What if it doesn't work out? But how long before another adopter comes along? And this just seemed like the ideal match.

So this past weekend mom and her friend Miss H drove to NY and handed Pumpkin over to her new mom.

We've already gotten updates and they love her and she's doing really well. We love a happy ending.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Still wobbling around

 Buttons is getting more access to the house during the day. Which sort of back fired since she starts yelling to be let out generally before the alarm even goes off in the morning. The stairs are completely blocked off though so mom has to remember to move it morning and night. 

Pumpkin is still in the foster room unless mom can really pay attention to her. She isn't good on the vinyl floors but also tends to get under the furniture which is a bad idea.

She does love that S scratcher and it seems to be helping her sit up more. Though she does spend a lot of time under the one half.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Mom has been slacking

 Sorry about that. 

Pumpkin and Buttons our CH foster kittens are still here. Both girls have been spayed and are vaccinated so if you know anyone (preferably in the Midwest) who might be interested in adopting, please send them our way.

We also have a short term foster for a couple of weeks. 

Meet Pumpkin 2. Yeah mom picked him up, gom him home, and got him settled. THEN she looked at his paperwork and burst out laughing. He's a very nice boy and is just getting over a kitty cold.

Mom bought Buttons a kitten harness and took her on an adventure on Sunday. She was a little freaked out but not bad for a first time. (Picture from H.J.)

Monday, September 9, 2024

What a nice weekend

 We had a break in the hot weather here so we got in some good window whiffing. Mom says it is going back to the hots this week for a while but at least we know fall is coming.

Mom got spay surgeries scheduled for the girls. So it it is time to start looking for their forever homes. Biggest thing is no stairs. Neither has the balance. Buttons does fine on regular floors though she does spin out some. Pumpkin would do better with carpet to give her a grip to get around. She still isn't completely walking up on all fours but mom is hoping she will get there. They both eat and use the litter box with no assistance. So if you or someone you know might be interested,  please send them our way. They do not have to go together. 

Mom got the puzzle out this weekend too. But she used a different treat and Boba was unamused. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

The same is ok

 Not too much different going on here for now. Buttons did start sneezing last week and got a vet visit and started on meds. The interesting thing for mom was watching Buttons walk around the room. Wobbly but so much better on the slick floor than mom anticipated. 

Pumpkin is getting around though not quite as well. Mom has seen her get all four feet under her and stand up, but it only last a few seconds. 

The girls are not very cuddly very often but Buttons hung out with mom on Sunday. 

They are having a last with each other though. Just have to get them up to weight to be spayed then we can start looking for forever homes for them.

One last video - check out the butt wiggle and the ears.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Little more space

 The girls are doing well. Mom added a couple more panels so they have a little more space. 

The hardest part is keeping the adults out ' not that they are bothering the girls, but they are eating kitten food that they don't need. 

Buttons is definitely more mild of a case than Pumpkin. But both are getting stronger and getting around better. Any forever home will need to make accommodations but they eat and use the box with no help. 

They aren't spayed yet, but if you or someone you know might be interested in adopting, please email us (randomfelines at hotmail dot com). They do not have to go together but would benefit for living with other cats. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Couple of changes

 Mom got a message last week asking if we could take another CH kitten. Meet Buttons who was surrendered to a vet and us now with us. Her CH is much more mild than Pumpkin. It's good for both of them to have a friend.

When Buttons joined Pumpkin,  mom moved them into the foster room with panels up to cut the room in half. After a few days mom moved them back to the living room. It's fun to have them closer to watch and keep an eye on them.

It's good for Pumpkin to have someone to get her moving. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

A little more space

 Woohoo!! All three gray boys were adopted over the weekend. We love a quick turn around at the shelter. Though they were very sweet boys, so no one is really surprised. 


Mom expanded Pumpkin's base camp by putting up the panels to give her a little more room to get around. 

Daiquiri and Boba were intrigued.

Boba has been visiting pretty often over the weekend. Mom did realize she eating the kitten food, so now the top and door on the playpen will be closed at night. 

Mom spent the weekend watching the Olympics. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Just for a few days

 We have some older boy kittens in the foster room for a few days getting over colds. They are about 4 months old and wild! All gray too so they are wearing collars to keep them straight.

The shelter names all the kittens so don't blame mom for this: King Arthut, Lancelot and... Little John. (Someone got their English folklore confused)

They got some freedom this weekend but never settled down and were into EVERYTHING so back to the foster room.

Boba was clearly confused by nit only bigger kittens, but also not really sure exactly how many there were on the loose.

Pumpkin is doing very well. She eating great, doing all the normal kitten things. And her lungs work great! (Have we mentioned she's loud?)

Monday, July 15, 2024 hot

 OK maybe not as hot as some areas, but we  mid-westerners don't do constant 90s. Blech

Chanel melted

Pumpkin is doing well. She is growing and has lots of opinions. Her journey is just starting but she's going strong. 

Mom went shopping for a new plant. The local shop was great and recommended a plant called a Hoya that hopefully mom won't kill. Pet friendly but it is hanging from the ceiling in the foster room so out of reach just in case. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

New kitten

 First: to no one's surprise, Cinderella was adopted pretty quickly on Friday. It looks like Bibbidi was adopted on Saturday. 


If you follow us on social media, you know we took in a kitten on July 4th. A lady reached out to various rescues about a special needs kitten. (also previous posts say"he" turns out mom is out of practice and the kitten is a girl)

Now, right off the bat mom isn't in many "rescue" groups or anything similar online because it's hard to see all the "need help" posts and not be able to do anything (or, let's be honest, occasionally smack people).

This one was different. Our friend Miss H sent a video to mom and this isn't something she does. One look and mom is like ok, I'm in. The contact was through a local rescue who knew the adoption process would be more difficult. They use a partnership with a large pet store, and it just creates problems putting certain cats or kittens in that environment. 

H and mom picked up the baby on Thursday. Mom cat has a spay appointment as do the other kittens. But the lady has limited funds and was getting a lot of push (even from a vet) to euthanize the kitten due to "quality of life". 

So meet Pumpkin. The lady's grandkid named her so we are keeping it. She has a vet appointment later today but mom is 95% sure it is CH. She's pretty wobbly but also 6 weeks old, so it's a weird combination of coordination and just learning to get around. She is eating on her own and using the litter box. Mom says she is a tiny velociraptor. She is very vocal and bitey when she eats. Mom either holds her around the middle or just let's her do it herself. Cause if your fingers are too close, you are fair game.

Someone is VERY interested 

Mom is trying if Boba has ever seen this playpen. Maybe?? The top is unzipped during the day since there is about zero risk of Pumpkin escaping. But Boba, despite growling at her the first day, is sort of more curious now.