Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Make sure you are prepared for all goblins and ghouls that may appear.

Monday, October 30, 2017

introoder alert

Mom decided over the weekend to crack the foster room door and let Chanel in to meet the kittens. Everyone is vaccinated and healthy, so now is as good a time as any.

who is out there??

ummm....she's eating our food

you sure is pretty lady (says Bristol)

Chanel checked out the food situation, wandered around the room (like she had NEVER been in there before) and then just decided to hang out. Blueberry wasn't too sure about her - though to be honest Blueberry is never too sure about anything that isn't the same. The Texas kittens kind of checked her out, tried to get her to play and then decided she was fine with them.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


9/25/06 to 10/25/17

Head ninja
House Panther
Kitten butt kicker
Greeter of all who came to the door
Bag inspector
Biter of vet techs

Dang he loved that space heater....

We can't believe it. Tommy has been gone 3 weeks and now Mozart is gone too. A friend who came over to the condo made a comment last Friday that he was skinny and mom didn't think much of it as he is always skinny. However, Saturday night he walked by her and was VERY thin and his belly was distended. She freaked out and took him to the emergency vet. Thank heaven for Miss A - our vet tech and mom's friend. She came over and sat with mom while they waited. They took out some fluid and ran some tests....cancer. They agreed there wasn't much the er vet could do so he came home.

Mom took him to our vet on Monday. They agreed to try an appetite stimulant and steriods. The plan was to give it a few days and see what happened. However, he wouldn't eat. Maybe a couple of bites but not much beyond that. He would come out for a few minutes but mostly stayed curled up in his strawberry.

Mom spent many long hours laying in bed at night....what do we do? And the only answer, no matter how heartbreaking, was to let him go and give him some peace. He is now pain free and back with those who have gone before him (Butterscotch, Maestro, Tigger, Tim and Tommy).

*a note from the mom: there are no pretty words for the last 3 weeks. It sucks. Tommy was just so damn sudden and then this on top of it. I'm taking a few days off from the blog. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted from the last 3 weeks. We will be back - we have kitten stories and Chanel's adventures and tales of the permanent residents. But right now I need time to grieve and regroup. We know you all understand. Thank you for your love and support with all of this and over the years.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

wordless Wednesday (sorta)

Oh, and in case you missed it, HARLOW was ADOPTED Friday night!!!
(which means all our available kittens have been adopted)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Texas kitten update

Those kittens are adorable. And wild!! They are all over the place. Thankfully they are super sweet as well....put they sure are hard to get pictures of since they run around all the time. Mom did weigh them over the weekend and they are all between 1 pound 10 ounces and 1 pound 13 ounces. So close, but not quite ready.

Bristol up front, Amarillo in the back

Bristol again 

That sneaky Blueberry is beginning to think he is a Texas kitten
He actually weighs enough and we just need to get him a surgery date



Well, it appears Marfa decided she had better things to do than have her picture taken.

Monday, October 23, 2017

big adventure

Chanel here.....

As you know, I am working on being a good adventure cat. While mom says I have to learn to walk on my harness and leash, I much prefer to sit at coffee shops or be pushed in carts at stores.

But last Friday was a whole different adventure. See the guys that mom work for were out of town so the mom took me to work with her since it was going to be a short day. I got to inspect her desk and the whole office. She said I was a great assistant holding down her papers and walking on her keyboard.

 They have a second floor loft so I even got to run up and down the stairs.

But being an adventure cat is exhausting, so I made sure to get a good nap once we got home.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Random Fridays

Mom has plans tonight with a friend but nothing much else for the weekend (which she says will make up for LAST weekend when she was running around the entire time). There is a short adoption event on Sunday and mom will probably take Blueberry. The Texas kittens are too little and mom hates dealing with people that want them NOW and aren't willing to accept they aren't ready yet.

Mom is slowing getting together stuff to help Chanel stay active and be an adventure cat. She bought her a new carrier that will be just hers. She also got her a new harness to wear. (mom bought the harness but here is the link to the Kitty Holster that she bought - no affiliate links or anything, but we thought we would share since it is working for us)

The nice part about this harness is that it comes in a size small enough for a kitten. Mom bought an extra small and will have to upgrade to the small/medium by the time Chanel is a year. It is very light weight - all cotton and machine washable. There is a piece that runs down the back that holds the ring for her leash. Mom wasn't sure what she was going to do, but Chanel rolled around the first minute or so then got up and walked around.
Checking out the fish at PetSmart

Mom is working on a go-bag for Chanel. Right now mom's adoption event bag stays in the car, so she has access to supplies. But she wants something with stuff for Chanel that is in a backpack type bag that she can just grab on the way out the door (or leave in the car). So far Chanel seems to enjoy being out and about and is very relaxed about the whole thing. As long as she keeps that attitude, mom will continue to find places to take her. It will be harder this winter as it gets colder but mom is committed.

Chanel had her first official vet visit on Tuesday. She played on the cat tree in the exam room, charmed our vet tech friend Miss Andrea and Dr F, had a snack and didn't seem to care about the catnip mouse. Mom did find a noise on her phone and they "unofficially" tested her hearing since Chanel seems to not always notice things. She does seem to hear fine, but she does certainly track things funny. Otherwise she is a healthy girl and weighed in at 5 pounds 15 ounces.

Have a safe and warm weekend. Fall finally arrived here and while mom refuses to turn the heat on quite yet, Mo is hoping it is space heater season soon.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

goody box

We got our box free of charge from Chewy and wanted to tell you about it. Getting the box did not influence our opinions and all opinions are our own. #ChewyInfluencer

So the other day the big delivery truck left an unexpected box at our door. Mom opened it up and there was a Goody Box inside from Chewy.com. Turns out they are getting in the surprise box business and have one for cats, little dogs and with dog treats. Well color us surprised and excited.

Daiquiri was sent in to inspect the box.
There are toys, treats and catnip along with 
a booklet describing each thing in the box.

Toy inspectors say YAY!!

We have to say, nicely done. It was well thought out and put together. And at $19.95, a good value as well for what we got. Mom is giving the broth to the kittens (which they are loving) and marinating some of our toys in the catnip for future use. What fun this would be to send to friends, family or even a rescue.

Thanks for thinking of us Chewy and letting us check out your new Meow You're Talking Goody Box. We give it lots of paws up.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Texas kittens

The Texas kittens are doing well. They are BOUNCY and active...which makes getting pictures tough. They are also fascinated by the door so mom has to catch them on their way out when she opens the door to go inside the foster room. Everyone got pawdicures on Sunday as mom is tired of the kittens climbing her and stabbing her (we can't imagine why).


Shiner (again - maybe??)

Bristol (pretty sure)


Marfa has the white stripe on her nose along with her other white markings and Amarillo has white chest and feet. Shiner and Bristol are actually easier to tell apart in person than in pictures. Shiner is a darker tabby and Bristol is more of a caramel color. However, in pictures it is harder to tell color. Mom hasn't weighed them, but just based on her guess, they probably have another month to go before they are ready for surgery.

Monday, October 16, 2017

weekend report

We posted yesterday that mom woke up Sunday morning and Cranberry wasn't doing well. Mom got a text last night that she passed away being cared for by the director of the rescue. RIP sweet baby.

Mo and Chanel getting their snooze on

Daiquiri is a little obsessed with those spring toys. 
Mom bought more and threw one out for her.
Chanel tried to play with it and got growled at for it.

Blueberry checking out the balcony. He and the Texas kittens are doing well but mom is keeping a close eye on them.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Random Fridays

We wish you a relaxing weekend. Mom says she has LOTS of plans for Saturday but not as much on Sunday so it should be quieter around here then.

The Texas kittens finally have names. The boy is going to keep his name of Bristol. The girls are as follows: tabby no white is Shiner, tabby with the white on her nose is Marfa and the tabby with white is Amarillo. Now if they would just hold still for more than 0.5 seconds, mom could get good pictures. They are so excited to see her they don't even pass out for naps until she leaves.

In case you missed it though, Chanel found a crack in the door and was making her presence known the other day. She hasn't been in to meet the kittens, but they were baffled by the paw. MOL

Happy Friday the 13th.....Mo and Allie say don't believe everything you hear about black cats (unless it is good of course).

Thursday, October 12, 2017

clean plate club

We got the food at no charge but that didn't affect our review. All opinions are our own. Thanks though for helping to feed the hungry heathen foster kittens.

This month we got a box of Tiki Cat after Dark variety to try with the kittens. It is all grain free and the main source of protein is the first ingredient on the can. Mom does say be careful opening the can though - these have a pretty high moisture content and mom almost spilled the entire can when she opened the first one (so of course her fingers then smelled like chicken broth and the kittens got even more excited - you would think she would learn to open the cans and fill the plates somewhere other than the kitten room).

you gonna open that box or what??

Everyone was pretty excited about this. Cranberry and the Texas kittens ran each other over for the first can and mom had to quickly open a second one to keep everyone happy.

clean plate club

The kittens give it 6 paws up. They have loved every flavor and cleaned the plate every time. In fact, one of the Texas girls growled at Blueberry when he got too close. MOL