Friday, April 19, 2019

Random Fridays

the windows are open and Ivy plans to sleep away the weekend

not sure what Goldfish is looking for in the basket
apparently Daiquiri wonders the same thing

Mom is going to have to come up with some sort of airlock system for the foster room. Wednesday morning Bissell shot around mom, out the door and slapped a couple of cats until mom was able to herd her back into the room. 

Mom and Chanel had an "exciting" weekend. Saturday evening Chanel came down the hall with blood all over the foot where she lost the nail. Mom grabbed her and it wasn't the nail bleeding but from the top of her foot. WHY ON A SATURDAY??? Chanel was shoved in the carrier, mom grabbed some stuff, and off they went to the ER vet (along with a friend to keep mom company). Turns out that in addition to the nail, Chanel must have also been bitten by Bissell and it abscessed. Several hours later, she was released from the ER vet. Bandage change on Sunday at a local vet and then saw our vet on Tuesday. The problem is that it looks like she got several teeth involved - there is a wound on the bottom, the top and the side. Which makes keeping it clean a challenge. SO it has been bandaged since Saturday and we see our regular vet this afternoon for our next step.
somecat has perfected the pout


  1. Awww, gees....! That's way too much adventure and far too many trips to the vet. :-(

    Nicki and Derry are sending their healing purrs to Chanel, and to your mom too!

  2. Wow, that sounds like a bad bite. I guess Bissle is protecting her kittens. We sure send Chanel lots of good thoughts.

  3. Bissell is something else! One of the things I do with my foster room is add a baby gate in the doorway so it acts as a baffle for the cats on ground level trying to run in or out. They can easily jump over it, but it's not the first thing they think to do, and it will give you time to step over, get through the doorway and close the door when you are headed in either direction. I have a bifold door on the bathroom/foster room, but it always worked with the regular door on the studio. Good luck!

    1. she's pretty quick - we suspect Bissell would be over before mom could get in. for the moment, mom is using a box to herd Bissell back into the room.

  4. Chanel, did you learn anything from this experience? Hmmm? Like, don't go in there, don't mess with any mama kitty, don't be so nosey!

  5. Oh, no! Poor Chanel. Poor you! Of course it's always on a weekend!

  6. Oh poor Chanel! Bissell is obviously a very tenacious kitty. Purrs that Chanel's foot heals soon and she avoids the vacuum cleaner mom.

  7. Poor Chanel ! Please stop messing with those fierce mommy cats, and get better soon ! Purrs

  8. Bissell sounds like she wants to keep everyone in line! Hopefully she will settle down when her hormones do.

  9. Chanel, you need snakebite boots.

  10. Good Heavens, yes, always on a weekend...

  11. Wow, that Bissell! I agree, you need some sort of baffle or intermediate entry or something! Never a dull moment at your place!

  12. Dang. Poor Chanel!

    And that Bissell does not play around. :(


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