Bug and Dakota got home last night after their spay/neuter surgery with no real after effects. Though they must have been done late in the day since both of them were pretty drugged out. Dakota sat and stared around him for a while - no idea what he was actually seeing. Bug curled up with me later in the evening to take a nap - something she usually doesn't slow down for.
I am going to try to let Chiclet out of the bathroom tomorrow after work. I am sure she will be very greatful!!
I tried to get some good face shots of everyone last night - Dakota wasn't cooperating though...
Bug |
Carolina |
Utah |
Maine & Nevada |
Georgia |
Glad it all went well for them!
ReplyDeleteHi Jeanne,
ReplyDeleteEveryone is so cute! Bug looks like a real cat now--for awhile she was so tiny and fuzzy. And Utah is so tiny! I'm guessing she'll always be on the small side.
Anyway, I'm glad the surgeries went well.