
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our catmas present

Mom got us a Catmas present....  she bought us a lounger from Peach Industries!!  Mom is hoping that Maestro will have somewhere comfy to lounge - she got the mini cause it is a little lower (ok - and there are kittens all over that don't need to fall off a taller one - and they WILL fall off).

Saff is checking out mom's construction

hmmm....two kittens fit very well
That is the Dust Bunny and Rosie

Junior see if it will hold the large sized mancat

It was VERY easy to put together.  We love it and even as mom is posting this, Chex is snoozing on it. And Rosie is running around and getting underneath the edges and smacking Chex.

We have lots of pictures and another video of Ivy checking it out too.....more later.


  1. That is an awesome Catmas present! My human says you can ship Amelia out here to Los Angeles - do NOT listen to her!

  2. It looks comfy ! What a pawsome present ! Purrs

  3. That is a lovely looking lounger and everyone looks very interested with it.

  4. That looks pawesome! Next you're going to have to get one of those "take a number" things so you know whose turn it is to sit on it.

  5. Amelia sure didn't waste any time getting all comfy in that lounger! We have a feeling you might need to get a 2nd lounger....and maybe even a 3rd.... ;)

  6. Wow, it looks terrific! That's a great present!

  7. It looks very comfortable indeed. Did Maestro try it?

    1. nope...we haven't even seen him go anywhere near it. figures... :)

  8. WOW - I know you all will love that Hammick because I sure do love mine. You look pretty comfy right now.

  9. You poor babies! I can tell from that video you don't have anything to play with ;)

  10. The Lounger is NOT a cat snack! They love the one I have too. I am hoping to save enough monies for another one.

  11. You'll have to get a rota for the Hammick if everyone wants it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. It's so funny they way cats always check out any new household development and see if it suits them, whether it is for them or not!

  13. That is sure a super duper present!!!!!

  14. That looks like a great lounger.I bet the guys and gals around here would love that. Take care and have a good day.

  15. much for YUR present huh :) !!!! well, junior got ta enjoy it for a breef 3 seconds !!!! way awesum gift guys :) enjoy ~~~

  16. Now that's a cool Christmas present. Will you guys be able to share it?? ;)


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