
Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Secret Paws present.....

We gotted another box the other day. It was from our Secret Paws kitty.  Mom opened the card and started laughing like mad. It would seem that the kitty we got also got us. MOL

So - THANK YOU Miss Cathy Keisha for our presents. There was even something for mom in there. We have already opened one of the bags of treats (nommy) and some of the toys. Tommy is stalking that feather but that is for use with mom present only. And mom said one of the bags of treats will be for Licorice since they are all grain free.  You and your peeps rock!!!!
Tommy inspecting the box - check out the fancy tape

Saffron says: is dat fevver for me????

Maestro doing package inspection

Tommy is gonna get that feather

What a haul!!

THANKS Cathy Keisha!

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Wow, that is an awesome Secret Paws package! CK got you all sorts of cool stuff!

  2. Whoa, CK really fixed you up with some pawesome stuff.

  3. Wow, those are a lot of great gifts! How fun! Also, it looks like you got a Cat Catcher. That is Annie's absolute favorite toy.

  4. That sure is a great box of goodies. What fun. What fun to have each other. Have a great day.

  5. Pawsome gift ! We worry about the Secret Paws parcel we sent : it's on the way, but we hope it will arrive on time for Chrissymouse... Purrs

  6. What an awesome box of loot!!!
    That Cathy Keisha knows her stuff... and you even got a peacock feather!!!
    Have fun with all the new stuff.
    : )

  7. What a great bunch of gifts! CK sure knows how to shop!!!

  8. That looks like a box full of kitty fun

  9. Wowser that is a lot of pressies. WHOO HOO! Have fun with all your cool goodies.

  10. What a great Secret Paws package! CK did you good. Enjoy your loot!

  11. how cool that you got each other in the exchange! What fun!

  12. Whoa! What a coincidence that you and CK gotted each other in the goft exchange! :)

    And just look at the great stuff she sent you!

  13. Isn't this just the BEST time of year? We love that you and your secret pal got EACH other!

  14. Whoa! I’m glad you enjoyed the package. This is the first time we’ve done this and we thought everybuddy got the kitties who gotten them. Peacock feathers are the best fun. We’re just writing our post now cos TW let me open half the gifts today. I loved them. Thank you!

  15. Hmmm, my comment never went through. I’m glad you like your Secret Paws. I just blogged about the pawsome package you sent me. TW would only let me only part of it cos she’s a grinch. Thank you so much!

  16. MOUSES!!! My BFGF. CK went over the top! Lots of way cool things for all you kitties! Pawsome!


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