
Monday, March 4, 2019

drinking fountain

We won a new drinking fountain from another blogger and got it in the mail last week. Mom got it set up on Saturday and we spent the day checking it out. We have had fountains before but they seem to have a short shelf life in this house or are seriously complicated to clean.

This one is from Catit and has a stainless steel top which mom prefers.

Of course the box was a big hit with everyone. 

the mistress of suspicion stared at it for a while

her minion soon arrived to help the investigation

Ivy was the first one to use it but by Sunday everyone had tried it. It came with a nice rubber mat that mom is using. There isn't a good space in the kitchen for the fountain - the cord isn't super long. With the floors being water proof and a good mat, mom put it just outside the kitchen. It really isn't in the way and seems to be in a good spot.

It is VERY quiet and the instructions make it seem easy to clean. Mom has high hopes. Goldfish sat and stared at it for a very long time before wandering off. She seems to be the only one still a little unsure of the fountain.


  1. I hope this one is a success!

    I've gone through several over the years, because as you noted, they do seem to have a short shelf life and/or are ridiculously difficult to clean.

    I do have another one for the boys now, Nicki's been using it for a year or more, though Derry's not fond of it. (I keep a regular bowl of water out too.) Oddly, the one that's been the cheapest is the one that has lasted the longest. LOL.

  2. I have always wondered if the cats would us those fountains. Mine would probably play in the water and spill it everywhere. Have a great Monday.

  3. We have one of those and Saku likes it best. He does play in the water sometimes, but he does that with the other bowls of water too. He is a pest!

  4. LOL @ Mistress of Suspicion!!!!

  5. We are curious as to how this fountain works in the long-run, so please keep us posted.

  6. guyz....ewe knead sum fish in ther !!! :) ♥♥

  7. My human says easy to clean is important! Like that matters to a kitty. Ha!

  8. We bought a $100 fountain when our Puck needed to drink more water. In our case, everyone drank less water after that so we had to give it away.

  9. Mine stared for hours. Ellie finally gave in - Bear still hasn't taken a drink when the fountain part is on.

  10. Concats on your win ! We hope everyone likes that great fountain ! Purrs

  11. nice to see they are making it with a stainless steel top.. it keeps the costs down but also keeps the kitties safe from plastic acne


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