
Monday, October 22, 2018

weekend report

Ivy has no shame
Also, we think she may do this just to tease the other cats since no one else has mastered this particular maneuver.

a girl and her spring toy

We were abandoned. Have no fear though - mom got home yesterday and the nice ladies from the pet sitting service come over a couple of times per day to make sure we are taken care of with food and water. We would say with attention too, but Daiquiri and Junior both hide and Ivy sits several feet away from them and just glares. Thank goodness for Chanel and the kittens or those ladies wouldn't get ANY kitty love here. 


  1. Ivy, that is one way to cool your tummy. Great picture. We would do the same thing with a sitter. We would totally disappear.

  2. LOL! Ivy, that pic of you is too cute. You have gorgeous furs!

    We were abandoned too, though at least one of us sucked up to the pet sitter. Even so, we clung to our human all weekend, once she was home!

  3. What a lovely tummy, Ivy ! We would do the same thing if we had a pet sitter : disappear ! Purrs

  4. Manny and Chili Bruce would be all up in the cat sitter's business, while Angel would use her invisibility cloaking device...

  5. Our mom wants to snorgle your tummy!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  6. I hope your human had a fun vacay! I mean, if that's what she was doing.

  7. I wonder how mine would do with strangers. I don't think there's much chance of us finding out, though...

  8. What a belly! I can understand that the other cats would feel insecure competing against that glorious belly!

  9. Those poor kitty sitters. We're sure hey would enjoy getting some love from all of you. Ivy, you have the sweetest belly!

  10. Ivy, that is a very advanced maneuver, for sure. Well done!

    When we have sitters, Gracie is the official greeter/welcome committee of one. Ava vanishes into midair. MOL.


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