
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Release the beast

We really have no idea why mom makes plans. Things rarely work out like she plans.

She was out of town last weekend and wanted to wait to release Goldfish into the house until this coming weekend so she would be around. However, Goldfish had other ideas and kept launching herself at the doors blocking off the foster kitten room. Finally by Monday night mom decided it wasn't worth waiting. She fed the little kittens and moved the door enough to let Goldfish run into the living room.

Chanel was pretty interested in this new tuxedo cat. Goldfish ran around the living room trying to figure everything out. She went around a few times....then got distracted by a toy. Mom actually felt better when Goldfish stopped to play as she knew that Goldfish wasn't just frantically running around.

Junior hasn't had much contact with Goldfish yet. The other girls seems to not be quite sure what to do with her. Chanel is pretty fascinated and the two of them seem to be having a good time running around the condo. Hopefully Goldfish can use Chanel as an example of how things work around here and will get her to warm up to mom.


  1. Hope it works out for you and Goldfish. Hopefully they will all get along. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I'm glad that Chanel and GF are becoming buddies - maybe Chanel will teach her how to cat :)

  3. Clearly Goldfish has her own plans! LOL. We LOVE that first photo!!!
    Cam and Mags

  4. I loved the video of Chanel and Goldfish that you posted on social media. I really hope they will be best buddies and Goldfish will begin to love being your furbaby.

  5. Goldfish just needs to find her sea legs, so to speak. She'll have you wrapped around her little paw in no time flat! LOL!

  6. We hope Goldfish and Channel will get along and that Channel will show her the path. Purrs

  7. Sounds like things may just work out ! Purrs !

  8. Hope Chanel and Goldfish will be good pals!

  9. Things are always furry interesting around your place kitties. We're sure Chanel will teach Goldfish that the mom bean is time. ;)

  10. We sure hope Chanel and Goldfish hit it off, and that Chanel can show Goldfish what's what!

  11. I do think Chanel will be a good influence on Goldfish! Maybe she really will come out of her feral shell finally!

  12. All in all, it sounds like a pretty interesting introduction!

    The Chans

  13. Here's hoping Chanel will teach Goldfish the joys of being sociable.

  14. Glad that Chanel and Goldfish seem to be friendly.


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